Cells and Functions
Body Systems
Plants and Tropisms
Adaptations/ Natural Selection
Photosynthesis and Energy

What are the levels of organization from simple to most complex?

cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism.


Which of the following body systems aid in the transference of oxygen into and throughout the body? (CHOOSE 2)

- Respiratory System

- Nervous System

-Circulatory System

- Muscular System

- Digestive System

Circulatory and Respiratory Systems


What is the force inside a cell that pushes against the cell wall to help a plant stand rigid?

Turgor Pressure


During asexual reproduction, a single algae cell becomes two new algae cells. The genetic material in each of the daughter cells is usually... identical copies or genetically diverse?

identical copies of the original.


Students visiting a zoo see a poison dart frog. This bright red frog is about 2-centimeters long. It eats ants and other small insects. The poison dart frog secretes a poisonous chemical from its skin. It lives around green tropical plants.

What is the advantage of this frog having a bright red color in a green environment?

The bright color serves as a warning to predators.


What is needed for photosynthesis? 




-carbon dioxide


water, carbon dioxide, and radiant energy form oxygen and glucose.


The organelle responsible for controlling cell functions, holds DNA in eukaryotes.

- Mitochondrion

- Endoplasmic Reticulum


-Cell Membrane



Which human body system performs a function similar to that of the vascular system of a plant?

- Digestive System

-Nervous System

- Cardiac System

- Excretory System

Cardiac/ Circulatory


Someone ordered a plant and it tipped over. The leaves and roots look like this, what tropism is causing this? 




- Phototropism

This is displaying geotropism. The roots are showing positive because they go in the direction of gravity. The stem is showing negative because it is the opposite direction of gravity.


Which of the following most correctly describes heredity?

-passing of cooking skills from mother to daughter

-passing of genetic instruction from mother to son

-passing of traits from mother to father

-passing of knowledge from sibling to sibling

passing of genetic instruction from mother to son


A spiny cactus is growing very successfully in an Arizona desert. This plant has made adaptations to its native environment that make it successful in harsh conditions. Three adaptations that the spiny cactus has are:

Waxy leaves to prevent evaporation, Spines to ward off predators, shallow wide roots to absorb moisture.


According to this, what level consumer is the prairie dog?

-Primary Consumer

-Secondary Consumer

-Tertiary Consumer

-Quaternary Consumer

Primary Consumer


Name an organelle found in a plant cell but not animal cell.

Vacuole, Cell Wall, Chloroplast.


Which system is referring to the endocrine system?

System Z


A plant is growing toward a bright window. When you turn the plant growth away from the window it starts growing in the opposite direction toward the window again. What's happening here?

Phototropism (positive)


What is a trait? What is the difference between dominant and recessive?

A trait is a specific characteristic determined by genes or by environment or both. Dominant will show up always if present, recessive traits are not always visible or expressed.


In nature, every advantage increases an animal's chances for survival, and therefore, its chances for reproducing. Name a warm blooded animal and cold blooded animal. Name an adaptation that goes with each.

Answers Vary.


Which of the following organisms are receiving energy indirectly from the wild grains?

Select TWO correct answers.

Coyote and Hawk


Is this an animal or plant cell? Justify. Number Nine is pointing to what?

- Vacuole

- Ribosome

- ER

- Mitochondrion

This is plant cell. #9 is pointing to a mitochondrion.


Basketball involves major body systems to help you run, turn, jump, and throw. Name two of these body systems and justify.

Skeletal and Muscular


What are the two types of plant tissues?

- Cardiac





Xylem and Phloem. Xylem is for water and goes one direction; Phloem is for sugar and "food" and goes in both directions.


What is sexual reproduction? What is asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction combination of two sets of parent's genes to create genetically diverse offspring.

Asexual reproduction produces an exact clone of the original parent with the same genes.


Define Natural Selection and Artificial Breeding

Natural selection states that those more adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more than those unfit to their environment. Artificial selection is human intervention to isolate and choose desired traits.


What are the signs of a chemical change?

Color change, odor, light, state change.


Which of the following levels of organization can be found in the liver?

I. Cell; II. Tissue; III. Organ; IV. Organ System; V. Organism

I and II


Which of the 2 following phrases describe the function of the digestive system?

I. Smooth, muscular tube connects the mouth to the stomach

II. Muscular action in the esophagus pushes food to the stomach

III. Structures called microvilli increase the surface area of the intestines

IV. Nutrients are made available to the body’s cells

II and IV


Hydrotropism is...

- plant movement due to gravity

- plant movement due to water

- plant movement due to light

- plant movement due to touch

Plant roots growing down toward a water source


What is a benefit to sexual reproduction? What is a benefit to asexual reproduction?

Sexual: diverse offspring can withstand changes to their environments. Takes longer and requires two parents.

Asexual: can quickly produce clones. Less diversity can cause less adaptation to environments.


Identify the name of Bird Z



What are you most worried about for tomorrow?

Answers Vary.