Informational Text
Literary Elements
Phrases, Clauses, & Sentences

Standard: ELAGSE7RI1  PI: I can analyze text to cite evidence that is explicitly stated.

What do you use when you cite evidence?

What is quotation marks?


ELAGSE7RL3 PI: I can identify varied grade level appropriate literary elements in a text.

The definition of character.

What is a person, or sometimes even an animal, who takes part in the action of a short story or other literary work?


ELAGSE7L1:I can demonstrate knowledge of the elements of a phrase versus the elements of a clause.

Definition for phrase.

What is a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause?


Continue this list:


What is S,E,N,T?

(One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six....)


Standard: ELAGSE7RI1  PI: I can recognize textual evidence.

Define textual evidence

What is evidence from the text?


ELAGSE7RL3 PI: I can identify varied grade level appropriate literary elements in a text.

The definition of setting.

What is the time and place in which the story happens?


ELAGSE7L1:I can demonstrate knowledge of the elements of a phrase versus the elements of a clause.

Definition for: Compound sentences

What is a sentence with more than one subject or predicate?


Where is the smallest circle (or dot) in this sentence?

A. "Where is"

B. "Or Dot"

C. "Sentence"

What is A. "Where is"?


Standard: ELAGSE7RI1  PI: I can recognize inferences.

What is this an example of? Chloe read a book and it was raining, she predicted people will be using umbrellas.

What is an inference?


ELAGSE7RL3 PI: I can identify varied grade level appropriate literary elements in a text.

The definition of plot.

What is a series of events and character actions that relate to the central conflict?


ELAGSE7L1:I can vary sentence structure when needed, employing knowledge of phrases and clauses to use compound, complex, and compound/complex sentences regularly.

The definition for complex sentences.

What is a sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses?


What is the first number with the letter a in it?

What is one thousand?


Standard: ELAGSE7RI1  PI: I can recognize inferences.

Define Inference.

What is a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning?


ELAGSE7RL3 PI: I can identify varied grade level appropriate literary elements in a text.

The definition of conflict.

What is a struggle between two people or things in a short story?


ELAGSE7L1: I can vary sentence structure when needed, employing knowledge of phrases and clauses to use compound, complex, and compound/complex sentences regularly.

Definition for: Simple sentences

What is a sentence consisting of only one clause, with a single subject and predicate?


What is the second letter of " The Alphabet Song"

A. a     B.b    C.c    D.d    E.e    F.f     G.g      H.h     I.i

What is H.h?


Standard: ELAGSE7RI1  PI:I can cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

How many pieces of evidence should you have in a argumentative essay... 

What is at least 3?


ELAGSE7RL3 PI: I can identify varied grade level appropriate literary elements in a text.

The definition of theme.

What is the central idea or belief in a short story?



ELAGSE7L1:I can demonstrate knowledge of the elements of a phrase versus the elements of a clause.

Definition for clause.

What is a unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar said to consist of a subject and predicate?


What would be the answer to this question if you could choose?

A. 1982             B. The fifth amendment

C. It's not up to me        D. This question

E. Purple

What is D.this question?