A winter feast that honors the upcoming year and appeases the spirits for prosperity in the year to come.
What is Quviasukvic?
Which was the main sport played in competitions?
What is One and Two Foot High Kick?
What percentage of the animal did the Arctic Indigenous peoples use after hunting it?
What is 100%
How many regions is the Arctic split into?
What is 4
what does extended family help with?
what is childcare, food sharing and decision making
What two historical practices did Indigenous tribes believe in the Arctic believe in before Christianity?
What is Shaminism and Aminism?
What was the male and female world record for Two Foot High Kick?
What is Male 8ft 8in, Female 6ft 6in?
What animal was the Inuit's main source of food?
What are Seals?
what does the word "Inuk" translate into?
What is person
What is the purpose of the community's strong social bonds?
What is to make sure everyone is supported
What religion did the Inuit pick up in the 20th century as a result of the tireless efforts of missionaries?
What is Christianity?
Name three different variations of Two Foot High Kick?
What is One Foot High Kick, Alaskan High Kick, Toe Kick, Kneel Jump?
How did the Inuit utilize their environment to preserve their food?
What is using the natural freezing temperatures?
How many people had knowledge of Inuktitut language in 2021?
What is 40,320
What is the main goal of the (IPS)
what is support indigenous participation in the Arctic council
Name any 3 of the countries that where dominated by Protestant churches.
What is Northern Finland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Alaska, and portions of northern Canada?
Why did hunters respect polar bears so much?
What is Polar bears had lots of meat and fur to keep families alive through the cold weather?
What type of boat did the Inuit use to hunt marine mammals such as whales?
What is a kayak?
why did writing become a common way for Inuktitut language to be taught?
What is contact with missionaries spread written language
Where was the (IPS) established
what is Ottawa
Fill in the blank: Because of the hard living conditions and the fear of invisible forces and spirits, the Arctic has its own _______ & ______.
What is ritual & taboos
What was the name they used to call Walrus Tusk?
What is Walrus Ivory?
What two things did the Inuit use to kill and move walruses?
What are harpoons and sledges?
Fill in the blank: Winters in the Arctic are very _____ and extremely _____. There are periods where the ___ doesn't come up, making the Arctic indefinitely dark.
What is Long ,cold & sun
Fill in the blank: Leadership in the community is_____ However ______ are highly respected
what is informal and elders