True or false: Neap tides cause really low, low tides.
True or false: Spring tides cause very high high tides.
What is the daily rise and fall of the ocean called?
True or false: The lowest, low tides occur during neap tides.
True or false: The highest, high tides occur during a waxing gibbous.
These are the moon phases during a neap tide
first and third quarter
These are the moon phases during a spring tide
New or full moon
The further apart two celestial objects are, the gravitational pull does what?
The moon phases that causes the lowest, low tides
full or new moon
The type of tide that causes the highest, high tide
spring tides
The sun, Earth and moon are at what angle
90 degrees
The Sun, Earth, and moon are at what angle
180 degrees
What causes the tides?
gravitational pull of the sun and moon
This forces causes water on bulge on the side of the Earth opposite of the moon.
Centrifugal force
Tidal cycle that produces one low and one high tide per day
What are diurnal tides?
This body of water has the largest tidal range in the world.
Bay of Fundy
This tidal cycle produces two high and two low tides each day.
Semidiurnal tides
This organism's life cycle is dependent upon the tidal cycle
What are grunions, horseshoe crabs, etc.
There are this many low tides during a 24 hour period
The period of time between flood and ebb tides when the water is not moving is called...
Slack or slack water
Go to the board and draw a picture of the sun, Earth, and moon during a neap tide
Hmmm...let me see.
Go to the board and draw a picture of the sun, Earth, and moon during a spring tide.
Hmmm...I'm not sure.
Explain why the tides are effected more by the moon than by the sun.
Moon is closer. The closer an object is, the stronger the gravitational pull.
Low tide happens about every ______hours. (During a semidiurnal tide cycle)
Explain why tides happen 50 min later each day?
It takes a place on Earth that is facing the moon 24 hr and 50 min to rotate to face the moon again.