What is the major force that causes high and low tides?
The moon phase that is not visible from earth and causes spring tides
New moon
True or false - Rotation and Revolution mean the same thing
The tilt and revolution of the earth around the sun cause ________
The periodic rise and fall of the oceans
Which type of tide is indicated by a large bulge of water?
Which tide creates a 90 degree angle when you draw a line from the sun to the earth to the moon?
Based on the diagram at which point would the Northern Hemisphere be experiencing Winter?
An extreme type of tide where the high tides are the highest and the low tides are the lowest
Spring tide
How long does it take for the moon and high tide to make a complete orbit around the earth?
About 28 days
Which tide creates a straight line when you draw a line from the sun to the earth to the moon?
True or false - Rotation determines how much heat reaches each hemisphere
False - (Revolution and tilt determine the heat/seasons)
Based on the diagram above at which point is the Northern hemisphere experiencing summer?
A moderate tide that is caused by gravity pulling water in two different directions. The sun and moon are at right angles.
Neap tide
How many low tides will South Padre Island have in a 24 hour period?
What is 2?
Which tide would occur during a solar eclipse?
If the earth did not _______ we would not experience seasons as we revolved around the sun
Based on the diagram above at which point is the Southern Hemisphere experiencing the longest amount of daylight?
The angle of this for Earth is 23.5 degrees
Based on the diagram above, whichtype of tide is occurring at the red "X"?
Nep High tide
What causes there to be multiple high and low tides in one day?
The earth's rotation on its axis
Days are longer during winter or summer?
Based on the diagram above at which point is the Northern Hemisphere experiencing Fall?
What is the name of the period of time where the days are the longest and the nights are the shortest?
Summer Solstice