This book, the 3rd in Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga is where Bella's love life turns to a "tug-o-war" and she finds herself overshadowed by supernatural drama.
What is Eclipse?
Kidnap much?! This is the name of the court Feyre gets taken to from the human lands.
The Spring Court
Spoooooooooky. Hogwarts Castle is home to many ghosts. This is the name of the ghost of Gryffindor House.
Nearly Headless Nick/ Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington
She is the most well known and well loved characters in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.
The name of Violet's black dragon.
What is Tairn?
Hope you're hungry! This is the location where Bella first sees Edward.
What is the cafeteria
This is the correct response to the riddle spoken by Amarantha in book one.
"There are those who seek me a lifetime but never we meet, And those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet"
Not a pet but certainly a vibe, who sows seeds of chaos around Hogwarts Castle as an ethereal menace throughout the book series?
Peeves the Poltergeist
The friendly, charming, and always smirking man in Northhangar Abbey.
Who is Mr. Tinley?
This type of dragon has never been spotted outside The Vale before.
What is a feathertail dragon.
The kindest monsters you know. These are the names of Edward's adopted parents.
What is Esme and Carlisle?
A stroke of genius! This is Feyre's favorite hobby.
Arachnophobia much?? This is the species of spider that Aragog was.
What is an Acromantula.
The sister who falls in love with two gentlemen in Sense and Sensibility.
Who is Marian Dashwood.
Flyers ride on these type of animals.
What are Gryphons?
AWOOOOOOOOOO! This is the name of the werewolf tribe Jacob belongs to.
What is Quileute?
It's like 199 degrees! What ceremony does Tamlin perform on fire night?
Where the rubber meets the sky? This is the name of the car used by the Weasley family to bring Harry to the Burrow in Chamber of Secrets.
What is a Ford Anglia?
In Persuasion Captain Wentworth declares his love Anne Elliott through which mode of communication?
What is a letter?
Violet defeats Jack Barlow for the first time using this unique tactic.
What is poison by orange?
In New Moon, Bella is stagnant for this many months. How depressing!
What is 4 months.
This is the number of courts in Prythian.
What is seven?
Oh MAMA! This was the mom's name of "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"
Who is Merope Gaunt?
The titles of Jane Austen's last two novels, both published after her death.
What are Northhangar Abbey and Persuasion?
The name of the first year repeat in Violet's squad.
Who is Sawyer Henrick?