*Hold up stop sign*
stop sign
How many seconds away from the car in front of you should you stay while driving?
3 seconds
In heavy rain, snow, or fog, you should use these types of lights for better visibility.
Low-beam lights
Blanket, coat, ice scraper, or any other answers that make sense
This item should be checked or replaced every 3,000-10,000 miles to ensure engine longevity.
motor oil
*hold up yield sign*
Yield Sign
What is the most common aggressive behavior that defensive drivers should avoid?
You are driving in the right lane of a multi lane road and you notice a vehicle is stopped along the right shoulder with their hazards on. What should be your next course of action?
This tool is found in the trunk of most cars and is used to lift the car when changing a tire.
This item helps to keep your engine cool and should be regularly checked.
Coolant or antifreeze
*hold up pedestrian crossing*
Pedestrian Crossing
It is recommended that you check your mirrors this often while driving to remain aware of your surroundings.
Every 5-8 seconds
If your vehicle begins to hydroplane on a wet road, you will want to avoid doing what?
Braking or turning sharply
Before pulling out of your driveway, it's always a good idea to adjust these for proper safety.
Air filter
*hold up do not enter*
Do Not Enter
If you cannot see this part of a semi, they likely cannot see you either.
Side mirrors
When a traffic light is out and is flashing red, you should treat this intersection as a what?
4-way stop
If the battery to your car dies, this item will help another vehicle start your car.
jumper cables
This item is found in the engine and ignites the air and fuel mixture, helping to drive the pistons.
spark plug
You are driving near a school and see a speed limit sign that indicates top speeds of 20 mph during the hours of 7:45-3:30. You look at the clock and it is currently 2 o'clock, but you see no children around. What speed should you be driving at?
20 mph
You have gotten behind an agricultural vehicle, such as a tractor. After waiting for an open stretch of road hoping to pass, you look for this pattern of the center line that lets you know it is OK to pass.
Dotted/dashed line on your side of the highway
An emergency vehicle is coming and you should pull over to the right and come to a stop.
If the windshield to your car gets fogged or frosted up, this feature will help your visibility.
This item, made of rubber, harmonizes or synchronizes parts of the engine, and is usually not too expensive to replace.
Timing belt