Mr. Key aka Senor Jefe is commonly called by the nickname given to him by Mrs. Key "Jeb". What is Mr. Key's first name?
Mrs. Garica's husband has to travel all over for work. What organization does Mr. Garica work for?
Mr. Landry is not only a teacher but also a club sponsor. Which club is Mr. Landry the sponsor of?
Who is the wonder woman that works in the front office?
Kristi Martin
On game day a certain song blasts not only our drums but over the speakers. Which song is played?
eye of the tiger
Mrs. Key once made us vote for her niece numerous times. What varsity sport did Karlie Key participate in?
Spending a great amount of time in Mrs. Garica's classroom, what is the phrase written above her door.
Time will pass. Will you?
Mr. Landry is a pearl of wisdom. What university did he attend?
Who is our Dircetor of Student Services?
Christie Griffin
Tigerline dazzles us with their performances. Who is the tigerline sponsor?
Angela Eversull
Mrs. Key hasn't always been the religion teacher. What workforce did she "labor" in?
Labor and delivery nurse/ nurse
Mrs. Garica's husband happens to be accident-prone. What was his most recent surgery?
Knee Surgery
Mr. Landry is the face of St. Mary's. How many years has Mr. Landry worked at St. Mary's?
30 plus years
Nurse Brooke is not only our amazing school nurse but she is also a mother. How many kids does Nurse Brooke have?
SMS tennis has many rising stars. Who leads these stars to victory?
Willie Paz
Mr. Key is known for his obsession with Natty Nutrition. What is his go-to health drink?
The Captin America
What is the occupation of Mrs. Garcia's daughter?
Taking Mr. Landry's class you learn but some things stick with especially. Why does NCHS have no widows?
Air Conditioning
We all have school issued chromebooks from Mrs. Brian. How are we supposed to carry our chromebooks (not in backpack)?
computer case
How many players are allowed to be playing on the softball field at one time?
Mrs. Key is a taekwondo master. What color belt did she achieve?
Mrs. Garica is known for her country kicks. What is the name of the song that plays as her ringtone?
house of the rising sun
Which Christian church does Mr. Landry attend?
Trinity Epsicopal / Epsicopal
Mrs. Hope had many important roles around St. Mary's. What is she in charge of now?
Finish this Coach York phrase "Been working hard..."
"All week putting in a lot work on the field, off the field. All I got to say is ya'll come out and support go tigers"