Sam Neil, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Sam Jackson, Wayne Knight, and more are in this famous 90s Spielberg movie
What is Jurassic Park
"I am not throwing away my shot."
What is Hamilton
Love Me Do is the first single of this iconic band
Who are the Beatles
"No Soup For You" is an iconic line on this famous television series
What is Seinfeld
This character is a plumber by trade but is also a professional tennis player, go cart driver, and world saving hero
Who is Mario
This 1957 crime movie is all about a jury deliberating
"The hills are alive..."
What is The Sound of Music
When there are no instruments involved, it's called
What is acapella
What is the Fresh Prince of Bel Air
What is The Legend of Zelda
This actor was a legend of the 2000s starring as Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings films and Magneto in the X-Men films
Who is Ian Mckellan
"You alone can make my song take flight.
Help me make the music of the night"
What is Phantom of the Opera
Disturbed famously covered this iconic Simon & Garfunkel hit
What is The Sound of Silence
Eleven is the lead character of this popular Netflix drama
What is Stranger Things
This famous sports themed game series is named after a famous coach & commentator
What is Madden
Kevin Costner starred in this 90s post apocalyptic cult hit that was the most expensive movie ever made at the time
What is the Music Man
Gordon Sumner is the real name of this famous musician who has had a successful solo career and part of a band
Who is Sting
This incredibly long running fantasy science fiction series has been on television from 1963-1989, then again in 1996, then again from 2005 till the present.
What is Doctor Who
Mario did not first appear in a Super Mario game, but instead first appeared in this 1981 arcade game
What is Donkey Kong
This classic film from 1933 was inspired by the Beauty and the Beast trope, but ended up inspiring almost a hundred years of giant monster movies
What is King Kong
"Whoa whoa hey mama, Welcome to the 60s"
What is Hairspray
This ethereal pop artist also provided dreamy vocals in Disney's Frozen 2, calling to Elsa
Who is Aurora
What is Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Snorlax, Dragonite, Ditto, Staryu, and Ponyta are a few of the original 151 of these.
What are Pokemon