Category: Hebrew Letters
Category: Acts of Kindness
Category: Tikkun Olam 101

$100 Question:"What is the name of this letter, and what sound does it make? (א)"

Alef, sound: Silent (no sound, it is used as a placeholder for vowel sounds).


$100 Question: What is something you can do to help a friend who is feeling sad?

 Listen to them, give them a hug, or say something kind.


$100 Question: What does the Hebrew term Tikkun Olam mean?

Repairing the world.


$200 Question: "What is the name of this letter, and what sound does it make? (ה)"

He, sound: "H" as in "house."


$200 Question: What is a simple way to help your parents at home?

Help with chores like washing dishes or setting the table.


$200 Question: How can we practice Tikkun Olam in our everyday life?

By being kind, helping others, and doing good deeds.


$300 Question: "What is the name of this letter, and what sound does it make? (ח)"

Chet, sound: "Ch" as in "challah".


$300 Question: What’s something we can do to help our neighbors who might need assistance?

Offer to carry groceries or help with yard work.


$300 Question: What is the goal of Tikkun Olam in the Jewish tradition?

To make the world a better place for everyone.


$400 Question: "What is the name of this letter, and what sound does it make? (ז)"

Zayin, sound: "Z" as in "zebra."


$400 Question: How can we make someone’s day brighter by just being kind?

Smile, say something nice, or give a compliment.


$400 Question: Can one person make a difference in repairing the world? Justify?

Yes, by doing small acts of kindness and helping others. By doing a big project over time and getting other people involved.


$500 Question: "What is the name of this letter, and what sound does it make? (ט)"

Tet, sound: "T" as in "top."


$500 Question: What can we do to help someone who is sick?

 Bring them food, send a card, or offer to help with tasks they can’t do.


$500 Question: What is an example of how we can repair the world through helping the environment?

Recycling, picking up trash, and planting trees.