All about Tim
Tim's hobbies
Fun facts
At Valley Church
That 40!

True or False: Tim was born with his white spot

False.  Tim's white spot came in during around Grade 4.


What is Tim’s favourite holiday?



What is an interesting thing Tim has done with his hair in the past?

Dyed his white spot brown OR grew out a mohawk


When Tim was on staff at the church and they did a gift exchange, what did Tim ask for that bemused the staff?

a) A Lego set

b) A new knife

c) Comic books

a) A Lego set

Marcel found it very difficult to buy Tim such whimsical gift.  But we could all use more whimsical in our lives :D


There are 40 spaces on the board of this classic board game



Tim’s birthday is on what date?

December 30 (which usually means people are busy or out of town, hence the very belated birthday surprise!)


What is Tim’s favourite pie flavour?

Lemon Meringue


In childhood, Tim was not quite awake and accidentally peed where?

a) In his bed

b) In the laundry basket

c) In the bathtub

b) In the laundry basket


On youth retreats, Tim would review and approve ___________________________.

a) the food menu for the retreat

b) whether or not the front door was locked

c) the pranks the youth wanted to play

c) the pranks the youth wanted to play


This fell for "forty days and forty nights" during the flood



What is something Tim would often say about his name?

a) His middle name is Allan, like the famous actor, Tim Allen

b) It’s Timb with a silent B

c) Tim is short for Timothy

b) It’s Timb with a silent B


Where would Tim’s favourite fast food burger be from?

a) Wendy’s

b) McDonald’s

c) A & W

c) A & W.  

Tim's first job was at A&W!  Surprisingly, he was late all the time...


When it comes to eating a meal with people, what is Tim known for. 

Being the slowest eater


One time Tim as running around with scissors, yelling “I’m running with scissors,” and then he did what?

a) Accidentally put a small dent in one of the basement pillars

b) Accidentally scratched himself with it

c) Accidentally cut Yesenia’s hair

c) Accidentally cut Yesenia’s hair

She was a teenage girl at the time so obviously she was not impressed.  


To "catch 40 winks" means to do this

To take a Nap


Where was Tim’s first job?

a) McDonald’s

b) A&W

c) He created his own car wash business

b) A&W


What tabletop game has Tim collected miniatures for since he was a kid?

Warhammer 40k.  Fun fact: Tim has practiced and paints miniatures really well.


What is Tim’s biggest gripe about Paw Patrol?

a) It’s repetitive

b) Some of the dogs are annoying

c) The giant plot holes

c) The giant plot holes.  

If you'd like to see him rant.  Feel free to ask him about it. 


When they worked together, what was one of Tim and Mel’s favourite things to do as a team?

a) Set up pranks to scare people

b) Go for coffee at Delany’s

c) Get the paperwork set up for events

a) Set up pranks to scare people. 

One of their pranks involved Tim hiding in a box while Mel called people to her office.  Then Tim would jump out and yell.  It was awesome.


40 is the atomic number of this chemical element, the main component of what is often called a poor man's diamond



Which is of the following statements about Tim is false:

a) He broke his left arm while snowboarding

b) He’s had a rock thrown at his head at least twice

c) He’s had to go to the ER for a massive sliver which ended up in stiches


a) He broke his left arm while snowboarding

Tim has never broken a bone in his body


How many swords does Tim have?

a) 15

b) 4

c) Too many

d) 7

d) 7


What is the most common way Tim might start a sentence in conversation?

a) Here’s the thing…

b) From what I understand…

c) Did you know…

Definitely “c) Did you know…”  on a trip to Hawaii, Tim gave us so many facts that we renamed him “Timformation.”


How would some of the staff describe Tim

a) Being generous with his time, talents and money

b) Being so much fun to be around

c) Being the best hugger

d) All of the above

d) All of the above

We love you Tim!


It took chemists 40 attempts to develop this magical spray
