This hotel was the source of one of the nation's biggest political scandals in 1975
The Parents Music Resource Center testified in front of the senate in 1985 about inappropriate language in music. The group brought up that if this was done to play an album, satanic language would be played.
Played backwards
This 1995 kids movie was the first full length computer animated film ever released.
Toy Story
The US version of the office premieres in 2005. It is based on the British version created by this comedian
Ricky Gervais
Steve Harvey announces the wrong name at this nationally televised event in 2015
Miss Universe
This ship sank in lake superior in 1975 that caused Gordon Lightfoot to write a hit song of the same name
S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald
In 1985 the hole in the OZONE layer above Antartica was announced. Leading to the montreal protocol to phase out these
Chlorofuorocarbons (CFCs)
This domestic terrorists manifesto was published by the Washington post in 1995, it was then recognized by his brother leading to his capture
The Unabomber
This pop icon was acquitted of being a diddler in 2005
Michael Jackson
This host of the late show for 22 year hosted his last episode in 2015
David Letterman
In 1975 the Viet Cong launched a major offensive in this city that led to the US withdrawing from the Vietnam war.
This new federal law allowed the FBI to bring charges against the heads of the five families in NYC in 1985.
In 1995 OJ Simpson DID NOT Murder this women
Nicole Brown Simpson
This women is sworn in as the first African American women to be Secretary of State
Condeleezza Rice
This car company is busted for rigging diesel emission tests in 2015
Microsoft was founded in Albuquerque New Mexico by Bill Gates and this other programmer. Who went on to own the Portland Trail Blazers and the Seattle Seahawks
Paul Allen
This Production company who created “Castle in the sky” and “Spirited Away” was founded in 1985.
Studio Ghibli
This hip hop icon releases his debut single with a record label in 1995, he was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2021 and announced as a diddler in 2024.
In 2005, one of the longest civil wars in the world came to an end. Resulting in a peace agreement that would go on to create this country, currently the worlds newest
South Sudan
The US re-established diplomatic relations with this country in 2015. The first time since 1961
Led Zeppelin releases this as their 6th studio album in 1975
Physical Graffiti
Ronald Reagan met this russian leader for the first time at Geneva Summit in 1985
Mikhail Gorbachev
Gedhun Choekyi Nyima was declared as the Panchen Lama by the Dalai Lama in the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism in 1995. Then was kidnapped by this country 3 days later and has not been since since
George Bush called this leader a pillar of the axis of evil. He was dethroned and put on trial in 2005, then executed in 2006.
Saddam Hussein
China announces that it would be fully ending this policy in 2015 after 35 years
One Child Policy