Time Clauses
future/future clause RULES

After summer ______ (be) over, I _____ (go) back to my home country.

is ---will go


I want to start working as soon as I will graduate from college.

I want to (or will) start working as soon as I graduate...


Write a future time clause sentence from the student's point of view for the following:

Teacher: Please hand in your test.

Student: Just a minute please.

(as soon as...finish) ________________________

I will hand in my test as soon as I'm finished or as soon as I am finished.


As soon as school _____ (start) again, I ______(focus) on my studies.

starts, will focus

As soon as I return home this evening, I will to eat a snack and then go for a run.
As soon as I return home this evening, I will eat a snack and then go for a run.

In a sentence with a FUTURE TIME clause, which clause should be in the FUTURE TENSE, the main clause or the time clause?

The main clause is in future tense. (The time clause should be in simple present tense.)  


After we _____ (eat) our breakfast, we ____(go) to the beach and stay there all day.

eat/ will go

I will clean my room, before I will go to the soccer game at 4pm.
I will clean my room (NO COMMA) before I go to the soccer game at 4pm.

Fill in the blanks:

By the time he ________(get) to London, I _____  ___ (already leave).

gets...will have already left


When John _____(finish) his composition, I _____ (edit) it to check for errors.

finishes, will edit


I will get married only until i find the right person

I won't get married until i fing the right person


Write a future time clause sentence from the daughter’s perspective for the following situation:

Father: Your room is a mess. When are you going to clean it?

Daughter: I finish studying.


I will clean it after I finish studying.


You _____ (stay) home until you ____(finish) your homework.

will stay... finish


Can you give this to John in case you see him?

Can you give this to John if you see him?


As soon as Nicola arrives in Toronto, he will call his mother in Caledon.

Which is correct, a or b?

a. He will call his mother. Then he will arrive in Toronto.

b. He will arrive in Toronto. Then he will call his mother.
