Zoom Gloom
Stress 101
Random Facts

What looks and smells like a programming language and helps programmer's troubleshoot but isnt a programming language?

What is Psuedcode?


Making to-do lists in order of what is most important is an example of ________?

What is prioritizing?


The term "Zoom Gloom" refers to the feeling of _______ (extreme tiredness or exhaustion resulting from mental or physical exertion).

What is fatigue?


This is sometimes referred to as the "bad" stress -- active feelings of extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. 

What is distress?


On Earth, we have 24 hours every day, true or false?

False. 24 hours is only the length of one Earth day on average; in reality, most days are either longer or shorter.


What waits for some Condition to become true in general it’s not obvious how many iterations it takes ...this is considered?

An infinite loop.


This skill helps you to create and maintain systems to keep track of information or materials.

What is organization?


We tend to __________ when feeling bored or overwhelmed with a task. Try to schedule fun activities throughout the day to break up difficult or uninteresting assignments.

What is procrastinate?


Commonly referred to as the "stress hormone."

What is cortisol?


This is the only state in the contiguous U.S. that does not observe daylight savings time.

What is Arizona?


This meditative wellness practice originated in India but is used globally to promote self-awareness and inner-focus, especially during stressful times. 

What is Mindfulness?


This O'Bryant core value helps people to "push through" in the face adversity (or boredom).

What is Perseverance?


Use this self-care technique to reduce eye strain, headaches, and social media drama (maybe).

What is reduce screen time?


Name any three physical symptoms of stress.

Sweating, heart racing, stomach aches, headaches, sleepiness or sleeplessness, high or low appetite, jitters/shakiness, dry mouth, muscle tension 


On the planet Mercury, a single day is ____ Earth years long.

What is two?


When writing long programs programmers break down the larger program into smaller separate subprograms called what?

 What is Modular code.


The first step to becoming a good time manager,  setting short- and long-term ____ helps to support success in high school and beyond.

What are goals?


Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic are types of ______. Knowing yours might help you to improve your focus and school performance.

What are learning styles?


Name any three social or emotional symptoms of stress.

Agitation, isolation, withdrawing, nervousness/anxiousness, procrastination, avoidance, crying spells, feeling distracted or unfocused, feeling overwhelmed, giving up, not asking for help, not accepting help, not telling the truth, cheating/plagiarizing 


The English clockmaker William Clement is credited with the development of this form in 1670. Today they are kept mainly for their decorative and antique value.

What are grandfather clocks?


Instructions that are expressed using spoken languages like English or Spanish.

What is Natural Language?


A fundamental part of time management is ______. Example: Mapping out your day, assignments, and how you will accomplish things on time.

What is planning?


The advertised benefits of these glasses include less eyestrain, improved sleep habits, and prevention of eye disease.

What are blue light?


This is the "good" stress.

What is eustress?


TGIF? In 1930, Joseph Stalin abolished ______ in Soviet Russia to improve productivity. All was reinstated in 1941.

What are weekends?