Missing Deadlines
School/Life Balance
Sleep Schedule
Wasting Weekends
Using Your Calendar

How does one make sure they do not turn in an assignment late?

By checking canvas daily, checking the syllabus, asking the professor


How can one be involved in extracurriculars on campus while also prioritizing mental health and academics?

Be more heavily involved in a few clubs/organizations rather then spreading yourself to thin, know when to step back if you are feeling overwhelmed and your grades are suffering


How much sleep do college students need every night?

7-9 hours


What are some activities (positive & negative) that students engage in on the weekend which limit progress on schoolwork?

Partying, shopping, socializing, athletics, staying up late & sleeping in, procrastinating


Why should one use a calendar?

To remind themselves of classes, events, and deadlines as well as free time for school work and socializing


What is procrastination and why is it bad?

Procrastination is "the action of delaying of postponing something"

Procrastination is bad because it often leads to rushed or incomplete work and missed deadlines


How many hours of sleep do college students actually get per night and why?

6-7 hours, because students are overloaded with activities and tend to socialize at night when they are most free


Why is it important to do schoolwork on the weekend?

Students are most free and have the most time on weekends, to catch up on homework from the previous week, to not fall behind


What other physical and digital aids can help with time management?

A planner/agenda book, to-do list


Why should you prioritize academics so as to not miss deadlines?

Scholarship money, graduate school, academic honor societies, Greek organizations, athletics

Social hour can wait, your essay cannot!


What are some harms of sleep deprivation?

Tiredness throughout the day, unproductiveness, overall worse quality work, anxiety, stress


What is the ratio for the number of schoolwork hours in class and out of class at WAC?

(ex. 5 hours in class for every 7 hours out of class)

1 hour in class for every 2-3 hours out of class


What is the snowball effect and how does it apply to doing schoolwork on the weekend?

The snowball effect refers to a series of small events which build into a much bigger event, in this context it refers to the cumulative effect of schoolwork building upon itself overtime if a student is unproductive over the weekend until it becomes overwhelming