How long does it take to tie your shoes?
How many minutes in an hour?
12 o'clock
Richard and Jacob's soccer practice started at 3:00 PM It ended at 4:30 PM How long was their soccer practice?
1 hour and 30 minutes
Eli and Sade played in a soccer game this weekend. The game ended at 5:55 pm. The game was 40 minutes long. What time did the game start?
How long does it take to wash your hands?
What is the small hand on a clock?
Hour hand
Jesse had dinner at 6:15. It took 45 minutes for him to eat and 30 minutes to clean up. What time was it when he finished?
7:30 PM
Jacob finished his Wall-E downhill dummy at 6:45. He worked on it for 30 minutes. What time did he start working on his project?
How long are you at school every day?
How many hours are in one day?
24 hours
What time is it when the hour hand is on the 2, and the minute hand is on the 6?
After school, Ian does his homework. He starts at 4:00. He does spelling words for 5 minutes, he reads for 20 minutes, and he spends 10 minutes on math. What time is it when he finishes his homework?
4:35 p.m.
Andre finished his walk at 10:40. He walked for 20 minutes. What time did he start his walk?
How long does it take to eat lunch?
What is the long hand on a clock?
Minute hand
Read this time
Eli painted a picture. He started at 9:10 and painted for 1 hour and 10 minutes. What time did he finish painting?
10:20 PM
Ian and Jesse finish their amazing drawings at 11:45 a.m. If they worked on it for 50 minutes, what time did they start?
10:55 am
How long do you sleep at night?
What does the small fast hand represent?
What time is it when the hour hand is almost to the 11 and the minute hand is on the 10?
Trevor and Lisa went to a fair. They arrived at 7:05. They ate cotton candy for 10 minutes, rode the ferris wheel for 15 minutes, then rode the bumper cars for 1 hour. What time was it when they finished riding bumper cars?
Richard gets to school at 7:35 a.m. It takes 25 minutes to get to school. What time did he leave his house?
7:10 a.m.