Convert 03:45 to 12-hour time
What is 3:45AM?
Convert 13:45 to 12-hour time
What is 1:45PM?
Convert 23:15 PM to 12-hour time
What is 11:15PM?
A flight from Kingston to Miami departs at 18:25. The time in 12-hour format is...
What is 6:25PM?
Convert 07:20 to 12-hour time
What is 7:20AM?
Convert 14:10 to 12-hour time
What is 2:10PM?
Convert 08:30 to 12-hour time
What is 8:30AM?
A store opens at 07:00. The time in 12-hour format is...
What is 7:00AM?
Convert 05:15 to 12-hour time
What is 5:15AM?
Convert 20:25 to 12-hour time
What is 8:45PM?
Convert 16:45 to 12-hour time
What is 4:45PM?
A train scheduled at 15:10 PM is delayed by an hour. The new time in 12-hour format is...
What is 4:15PM?
Convert 09:30 to 12-hour time
What is 9:30AM?
Convert 17:00 to 12-hour time
What is 5:00PM?
Convert 00:00 to 12-hour time
What is 12:00AM?
A match starts at 09:30 local time in Kingston. This time in 12-hour format is...
What is 9:30AM?
Convert 10:50 to 12-hour time
What is 10:50AM?
Convert 22:40 to 12-hour time
What is 10:40PM?
Convert 12:00 to 12-hour time
What is 12:00PM or noon?
A TV show airs at 22:00. This time in 12-hour format is...
What is 10:00PM?