Palaces of Power
Tapestries of Thought
Wealth Weavings
Where in the World
Customs and Conventions

This final Chinese Dynasty continued the usage of the Civil Service Exam in order to employ people to the Imperial Bureaucracy.

What is the Qing Dynasty?


This religion was dominant in Europe from the from the 300s and is still practiced globally today.

What is European Christianity?


The system used by the Ottoman Empire that allowed a particular bidder to tax subjects during the 15th century.

What is Ottoman tax farming?


This was the place in which the 16th century Protestant Reformation occurred, which led to the further splitting of Christianity.

Where is Europe/Western Europe?


This complex was built as a tomb for a Mughal emperor’s favorite wife and also served as a symbol to legitimize his power.

What is Taj Mahal?


This empire, during the 1450s, took hold of the quite valuable city, Constantinople, renamed as Istanbul, presently located in Turkey.

What is the Ottoman Empire?


Brought around by a certain Catholic Monk, this was a split of the church in Europe from the 1450-1550 time period.

What is the Protestant Reformation?


A coerced labor system where Christian boys had to serve the Ottoman Empire.

What is Dervshirme?


The place where the long-reigning (mid-1600s to 1900s), largest imperial dynasty, the Qing Dynasty, fought the Opium Wars.

Where is China/Eastern Asia?


A machine which allowed Martin Luther’s writings, including texts such as the 95 Theses, to be spread around Europe with mind-boggling efficiency.

What is the Gutenberg printing press?


Political entity known for its culture and contributions to art and architecture which ruled over Persia from the 1500-1700 time period.  

What is the Safavid Empire?


The Aztecs were notorious for the use of this “bloody” cultural practice in order to legitimize their power during the 1300-1600 time period.

What is human sacrifice?


The Policy used in the Mughal Empire from the 1450-1750 time period in which rulers employed local landowners to collect taxes for the emperor.

What is the Zamindar system?


This area was where the czar, Ivan Pavlov, decided to “politely” grab ahold of during the mid 1500s via the usage of Gunpowder.

Where is Eastern Europe?


This structure was built in the 1700s as a method of consolidating and legitimizing power in Europe for Louis XIV.

What is the Palace of Versailles?


This dynasty, back in the days of 1450-1750, got the reboot card and rebooted the Great Wall of China in order to prevent invasion of the Mongol Empire.

What is the Ming Dynasty?


A monotheistic faith originating in the Punjab region during the 1500s that emphasized principles such as equality and community service.

What is Sikhism?


This term refers to the controversial purchasing or selling of church offices as was practiced in Europe.

What is Simony?


The location where the very disputed Islamic religion was practiced throughout the time period in which the battles between the Ottoman Sunni and Safavid Shi’a were fought.

Where is Middle East Asia?


During the 1400s, this was an architectural creation used as a royal estate for Incan nobles and emperors.

What is Machu Picchu?


West African Kingdom known for its wealth and prominence due to its control over the Trans-Saharan trade routes, particularly in gold and salt.

What is the Kingdom of Ghana?


This was a reform movement in India that gained momentum during the 1500-1600 time period which aimed to influence a more personal and emotional connection to the divine. 

What is the Bhakti Movement?


In order to support the building of massive structures, the Catholic Church of Europe used this “sinful” method which inspired Martin Luther’s 95 Theses.

What is the Sale of Indulgences?


Throughout the 1500s to the mid-1800s, this is where the Mughal Empire empire was established in replacement of the Delhi Sultanate.

Where is South/Central Asia?


This was a model of warrior life used by the Ottoman Empire (1300-1900) that blended culture from the nomads with the desire to serve for Islam as a holy fighter.

What is the Islamic Ghazi Ideal?