Made a bad decision? just blame your brain
How we study tiny humans

knowledge is constructed through an interaction of what we already know and what we experience

What is Constructivism?


the creation of new synapses

What is synaptogenesis


The method through which researchers evaluate response times for repeated exposure

What is Habituation/eye tracking


Type of attachment style with the following results of the Strange Situation Test

Distressed when mother leave; avoids stranger when along but friendly when present; happy when mother returns

Secure Attachment


Understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of sight (you must also state the Stage during which this develops)

Object Permanence, Sensorimotor


Jokes... choose another tile (because Shana ran out of questions TBH)



This method relies on the principle that unexpected outcomes take longer to process than expected outcomes, and so require more attention

Violation of Expectations

Findings of Harlow's Monkeys study

Debunked Behaviorist "cupboard" theory that children are inclined to go to those who feed them for comfort


Jennifer tested her son's ability to understand _____:

the idea that certain physical properties stay the same despite superficial transformations 

(you must also state the Stage during which this develops)

Conservation, Preoperational


the reduction of synaptic connections according to the “use it or lose it” principle

What is Pruning


Person credited with founding "Attachment Theory"

John Bowlby


Type of attachment style with the following results of the Strange Situation Test

Unconcerned when mother leave; avoids stranger; unresponsive when mother returns

Insecure Avoidant


tendency to perceive the world only from one’s own point of view

(you must also state the Stage during which this develops)

Egocentrism, preoperational


Your frontal lobe inhibits you from ___: attending and behaving according to a previously set rule



The procedure of the Strange Situation Test (i.e. the general gist of it and some of the things they were looking for)

Mom with child; Stranger enters; mom leaves; child reacts; stranger attempts to comfort child; mom returns; both mom and stranger leave; stranger re-enters and attempts to comfort child; mom then re-enters


  • The amount of exploration (e.g. playing with new toys) the child engages in throughout.
  • The child's reactions to the departure of its caregiver.
  • The stranger anxiety (when the baby is alone with the stranger).
  • The child's reunion behavior with its caregiver.

Type of attachment style with the following results of the Strange Situation Test

Distressed when mother leave; avoids stranger; continued distress when mother returns

Insecure Resistant 


the ability to attribute mental states (beliefs, intents, knowledge) to oneself and others and understand that others can have different mental states

(you must also state the Stage during which this develops)

Theory of Mind, Preoperational

Functions of prefrontal cortex

Executive functioning:


Working Mem.

Control of attention and behavior

Psychologist who developed the Strange Situation Test

Mary Ainsworth


Attachment definition (just wing it and you will get the points if you are close)

the strong, affectional tie we feel for special people in our lives that leads us to feel pleasure and joy when we interact with them and to be comforted by their nearness in time of stress.