The Avot V'emahot is the first prayer in the Amidah. What do we do with our bodies during the Amidah.
We Stand! Amidah means (standing prayer)
G'vurot means strength or hero. Name one strength in the prayer that Adonai does for us?
Correct response: heals the sick, lifts up the fallen, free's the prisoners.
You shall love Adoni your God with all your heart, all your _______, and with all of your might!
Your SOUL!
The Torah blessings start with a call and response. This call and response is a welcome to see if everyone is ready to hear the Torah. What blessing uses the same words?
The Barchu!
When we read Haftarah we read from the book of? ________
Name one of the Father's in the prayer.
Abraham, Issac, Jacob
In the winter we add a line that has to do with the weather. What do we hope for?
What is a Mitzvah?
A Commandment!
Before we begin this prayer what do we do with fringes of our tallit (tzeet-tzeet)?
Touch the torah and then kiss it.
On What days do we read Haftarah?
On High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur), and Shabbat!
Name two of the mother's
Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah
"Blessed are you Adonai who gives _______ to everything"
The V'ahavta is the second part of what prayer?
How many books make up the Torah?
Five!- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
True or False: When we read Haftarah the vowels are included.
TRUE! There are no vowels in the Torah, but the Haftarah includes the vowels.