
What is the setting of Act 1?

London. Algernon's flat in Half Moon Street.


Describe this character. Provide evidence.

He seems a weaalthy man because of the place he lives. He has a servant, Lane. He is single and opposes to marriages openly. He is witty for he discovers a secret. He also uses the name of Bunbury.   


Where has Ernest been? 

He has been in the countryside.


Describe Algernon's flat

Luxuriously and artistically furnished rooms. 


Why won’t Algernon consent to Jack’s marriage to Gwendolen?

He needs Jack to clear up the whole question of Cecily.


What do we learn about Ernest?

He was adopted by Thomas Cardew. His real name is Jack. He is the guardian of Miss Cecily Cardew because of his father's will. The lady lives in the country under the charge of her governess, Miss Prism. She calls him uncle as an act of respect. 


Mention some differences between the city and the countryside.

City: well educated and well read people, a place of technology and developments, with a lot of noise and life, restricted by social pressure. One amuses oneself.

Country: physical labour implied, primitive, in contact with nature, oneself and others, sense of community, relaxing atmosphere. One amuses others. 


What's Algernon's opinion on marriage?

He states the following clichés: “Divorces are made in heaven”. “Three is company, two is none”. He thinks flirting is more interesting than getting married for the latter is demoralizing.


Is the use of the name Ernest calculated? Explain.

*Ernest and earnest are homophones. 

Following Algernon, Ernest looks as if his real name was that for he's the most earnest looking person. However, Ernest has been made up to be used in the city, which makes Jack a dishonest person. It is by the finding of the cigarrette case that we learn of this habit of his that questions his morality.