Careers in Forensics
Finger Printing
Physical Evidence
He is a popular literary character who stared in mysteries including The Hound of the Baskervilles.
Who is Sherlock Holmes?
The law enforcement officer who arrives on the scene before anyone else.
What is the first responder?
An old man who dies of a heart attack and a young man who is poisoned eventually causing a mortal heart attack have the same this as determined by a forensic pathologist.
What is cause of death?
The lines on a fingerprints.
What are ridges?
Investigators are constantly engaged in this activity.
What is note taking?
Hans gross was one of the first people to throughly describe forensic science including a detailed use of these techniques (name at least three).
What is microscopy, chemistry, physics, mineralogy, zoology, or botany?
CSI's must protect and collect this type of evidence.
What is physical evidence?
Following hurricane Katrina these professionals were called in to help identify the skeletal remains.
What are forensic anthropologists?
If a perpetrator were to get into an argument while cooking and then pick up a stick of butter and throw it at the victim before murdering them, they would leave behind this kind of print in the butter.
What is a plastic print?
These can be handwritten or typed.
What are documents?
This strategy allows local authorities to compensate for the fact that not every crime lab is equipped with every possible department or experts of every type.
What is regionalization?
Photography and sketching both contribute to this duty of a CSI.
What is crime scene mapping?
A camera whether digital or film is a key in this person's tool box.
What is a forensic photographer?
The types of prints we lifted using powder and tape as well as iodine and super glue.
What are latent prints?
This is considered its own scene and is the responsibility of the coroner or medical examiner.
What is a dead body?
This standard determined in 1993 that judges are the "gatekeepers" of admissibility of evidence.
What is the Daubert standard?
A priority upon arriving on the scene is this of the victim.
What is the safety or medical needs?
To identify victims a forensic odontologist can use dental records, x-rays, or even this.
What are smiling photos?
This type of fingerprint lacks symmetry and has two deltas, one of which is located near the core.
What is a central pocket loop?
In order to analyze an unknown sample found at the scene this is always need for comparison.
What is a known sample or reference sample?
Fibers of a carpet where a victim was murdered might be found on the perpetrator as predicted by this principle.
What is the Locard Exchange Principle?
A CSI must establish corpus delicti or this.
What is proving a crime was committed?
An emerging field is forensic this, including the task of facial reconstruction previously done by forensic anthropologists.
What is art?
This type of powder is best used on porous objects and some metals.
What is metallic powder?
This must be established in court for every piece of evidence and adhere to all standard procedures.
What is chain of custody?