This triangle defines are daily roles
What is the (Karpman) drama triangle
In the stress cycle, Honeymoon 1 and 2 are they same, True or False, and why
False, because even though you had your explosion and have reset to honeymoon, you will never have that same feeling that you had in honeymoon 1
He lives in a pineapple under the sea
Who is Spongebob Squarepants
The amygdala in your brain, which controls emotion, is also known this nut...
CBT stands for what
What is cognitive behavioral therapy
This hierarchy defines our needs, and if one level is incomplete, then you can't level up
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Stress produces this chemical, and the most effective way to rid your body of this chemical is by crying
What is cortisol
Name the missing dwarf: Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Sleepy, and Sneezy
Who is Happy
True or False: Anger is energy
True or false: you can't have a feeling without having a thought
What is true
Doing this daily helps keep you feeling better, and is an important aspect of self-awareness and preservation
What is self-care
True or False, all stress is bad. If false, give an example of positive stress
False, examples may vary
We don't talk about Bruno. In the song, Bruno is how tall and he has these all down his back. Double points for singing the answer
What is 7 foot frame and rats all down his back
What is the difference between anger and aggression
Anger is the emotion and aggression is the action or behavior associated with the feeling
If thoughts drive feelings, this drives our behaviors
What are feelings
In this stage of the stress cycle, you smile and nod and say everything is fine when in reality your inner world is a raging dumpster fire
what is pretend normal/fake it until you make it
True or False: Anxiety is the fear or worry of something that has already happened in the past. If false, what is the fear or worry of something that has happened in the past?
False, What is depression
I killed an eel and buried its guts, sprouted a tree and now we have what...Double points if you sing the answer
What are coconuts
You can do these healthy coping skills when you are angry or feeling aggressive
Answers may vary
His window helps us see things about yourself, what other people see about you, and things you don't know...Double points if you name the window and the four blocks
Who is Johari, open area, blind spot, hidden area, the unknown
These mechanisms are what you use when you are trying to protect yourself from a real or perceived threat
Once diagnosed with anxiety, stress or depressive disorders, you will always have them for life, True or False
What is false
This mythical creature who lives at Palome is responsible for keeping you safe and secure while you are here...Hint, only a few of you heard of him and possibly have seen him
Who is Safety Starfish
This person is responsible for your anger
Who is ME
All behavior is a form of communication. All needs are appropriate. All behavior is not appropriate. True of false.
What is false