Text Organization
Complete Sentences
Compound Sentences
What is the purpose of a visual aid?
It gives you information from the text in a way that is easy to understand.
What is the subject in this sentences? My dad went fishing this weekend.
My Dad
What do you combine two sentences with?
A conjuction. (and, or, but,...)
What is the correct way to divide this word? October
What words means the same as upset A. happy B. negative C. sad D. weak
C. sad
What is the title? My Birthday List A. Things I want: 1. DSI 2. Ipod touch 3. Cell phone B. Things I need: 1. New bed 2. My own room 3. New jeans
My Birthday List
What is the predicate in this sentence? People pushed to get out of the stadium.
pushed to get out of the stadium
How would you combine these two sentences? The Steelers won the game. The Steelers are in first place.
The Steelers won the game and are in first place.
What is the correct way to divide this word? competition
Which word is closet in meaning to this word dreaded A. excited B. glad C. confident D. fearful
D. fearful
What could be a heading for this paragraph? On August 27, 2010, was the first day of school at CVIS. I was able to meet my new teachers and classmates. I had a lot of fun on that day. I found out my best friend, Lisa, was in my class. I was able to sit with her at lunch. I know the rest of the school year will be a blast! A. First Day of School B. My friend Lisa C. Homeroom D. Lunch Time
A. First Day of School
Which is a complete sentence: A. Maps and other guides. B. After the first out. C. The team won the game. D. Carried us to the field.
C. The team won the game.
How would you combine this sentence? Amy needed help with the homework. Megan needed help with the homework.
Amy and Megan needed help with the homework.
What is the correct way to divide this word? A. su-mmer B. summ-er C. sum-mer D. summer
C. sum-mer
The Titanic was found on the bottom of the ocean. What is another word we could use for bottom: A. low B. ceiling C. floor D. up
C. floor
What are the special features in this article? Broken Bones 1. How it happened On June 2, 2008, my sister and I were playing outside. We were pretending we were explorers in our new tree house. When I was climbing up the ladder my foot slipped and I lost my balance. next hting you know I was laying on the ground with my arm in lots of pain. 2. Emergency Room My mom rushed me to the hospital and that is where I met Dr. Roberts. He was able to help me and fix my arm. He also let me pick out my favorite color for my cast. I chose pink!
There is a Title and Headings for each paragraph.
Which is not a complete sentence and why? A. Proud and excited for the movie. B. The family ate dinner together. C. My sister was very tired after the game. D. Uncle Greg invited us to a cookout.
A. Proud and excited for the movie. There is not subject to tell who or what is proud and excited for the movie.
What is the correct compound sentence? A. The book is really good. B. They were tired and happy the game was over. C. She went to her friends house and had a slept over. D. The land was rough, and the weather was harsh.
C. She went to her friends house and had a slept over.
What is the correct way to divide this word? A. mid-night B. mi-d-night C. midn-ight D. m-id-night
A. mid-night
In the distance the survivors could see the recovery ship. What is another word for recovery: A. rescue B. better C. stop D. moving fast
A. rescue
What part of this passage tells you about the treehouse. Broken Bones 1. How it happened On June 2, 2008, my sister and I were playing outside. We were pretending we were explorers in our new tree house. When I was climbing up the ladder my foot slipped and I lost my balance. next hting you know I was laying on the ground with my arm in lots of pain. 2. Emergency Room My mom rushed me to the hospital and that is where I met Dr. Roberts. He was able to help me and fix my arm. He also let me pick out my favorite color for my cast. I chose pink!
1. How it happened
What is missing from this sentences? Took all night to finish.
A subject
What is the correct compound sentence? A. Russ likes to fish and Cindy likes to fish. B. They walked to the lake and rowed to an island. C. They like to watch the sunset. D. Russ took his time on his test.
B. They walked to the lake and rowed to an island.
What is the correct way to divide this word? A. rem-edi-a-tion B. re-me-di-a-tion C. re-med-i-a-tion D. re-me-dia-tion
B. re-me-di-a-tion
The crew was in danger when the ship struck an iceberg. What is the closet meaning to the word danger: A. crisis B. safe C. security D. guarded
A. crisis