Who (supposedly) killed Daniel?
The Gilhooley's
Was Julianna in first class?
Did Sophie want to be in the protest?
What did Alfie's mom do to him?
she abandoned him
What sunk the Titanic
an iceburg
What were Paddy and Daniel?
True or false: Julianna is wealthy
Was Sophie and her mom middle class?
What did Alfie do to see his dad on the Titanic?
lied about his age to get the job.
Who was the Titanic's designer?
Thomas Andrews
Who was Daniels family?
He was an orphan
Did Julianna trust the structure of the aeroplane?
Sophie and her mom got _______ from the country.
What did Alfie do to try to get money? Did it work?
He tried to collect his father's paycheck - no
How did Daniel find a way to sink the ship
by scraping his arm on wood and getting splinters
Paddy compares pickpocketing to what when he was on the titanic?
What did Julianna and her dad travel in to get to the Titanic
What was the protest for?
Women's sufferage ( having the right to vote )
How did Alfie find out there was a stowaway?
There were clothes on the ground of the work clothing room that were basically rags.
How many days did it take Daniel to think of way to sink the Titanic?
5 days
What did Paddy and Daniel live in before they met Thomas Andrew?
an abandoned print shop.
Julianna's dad was the __th Earl of GlamFord
What did Sophie's mom do to make her embarrassed?
Held a protest and got deported from the country.
Describe Alfie in 1 word.
Answers may vary but may include - sad, heartbroken, liar, loyal.
DAILY DOUBLE - worth 1000 pts! What was Paddy hiding in that got him on the ship?
A barrel of linen