how many classes of passengers were there?
What class of people had the highest rate of seurvival?
1st class
How many people could be in one third class room?
What date did the Titanic hit the Iceberg?
April 14th, 1912
What ocean did the Titanic sail on?
Atlantic Ocean
About how many people were on board the Titanic?
What policy would give "Mary" a higher chance of surviving than "Mark"?
Women and Children First
Name two things that only first class got
swimming pool
barber shops
private bathrooms
first class dining
smoking and writing rooms
What date did the Titanic set sail?
April 10th, 1912
where was the titanic made?
belfast ierland
how long was the titanic?
882.5 feet long
22 school buses
3 football fields
What boat picked up survivors from the Titanic lifeboats?
The Carpathia
Were there more immigrants or business people in third class?
What year did the construction start on the Titanic?
Who was the Titanic's captain?
Edward John Smith
About how many people were victims of the Titanic?
about 1,500
What group of people on the Titanic lost the most people.
How many bathtubs did all 709 third class passengers have to share?
2! (ew)
What year were the remains of the Titanic found?
What country discovered the remains of the Titanic?
How big was the gash made by the iceberg?
Who was the Richest man on the Titanic?
John Jacob
What people's rooms were actually on the deck underneath the third class cabins?
How many places did the Titanic pick up passengers before setting sail to New York City?
Southampton, England
Cherbourg, France
Queenstown, Ireland
Where was the Titanic constructed?
Belfast, Ireland