Title IX
Around Campus
Butler Trivia
True or False

The law that requires gender equity in all federally funded educational programs.

What is Title IX


Who is protected under Title IX at Butler Community College?

Who is Everyone (students, faculty, staff, coaches, visitors, alumni)


President of Butler Community College

Who is Dr. Kim Krull


Butler's mascot is the grizzly bear.  What is the name of our mascot? 

Who is Grizwold 


All sexual harassment violates Title IX.

What is FALSE


Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

What is Sexual Harassment


Who has the right to appeal the determination of a Title IX investigation...the Complainant or the Respondent? 

Who is both the Complainant and Respondent


This office works with students to establish specific academic accommodations. 

What is the Office of Disability Services.  


What is the name of Butler's baseball stadium? 

What is McDonald Stadium


Both parties have a right to review and comment on an investigation report before a policy violation is determined.  

What is TRUE


Physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person's consent or where a person is incapable of giving consent due to the use of drugs or alcohol or due to an intellectual or other disability.

What is Sexual Violence


Name 1 possible consequences for a student being found in violation of Butler's Sexual Harassment Policy.

What is Probation, Suspension or Expulsion


Where a student can go to confidentially discuss an incident of sexual harassment or violence.

Where is Mental Health Counseling and/or College Health


Butler is a member of what athletic conference? 

What is the Jayhawk Conference 


The role of a Title IX Investigator is to fact-find/gather, not make a final determination.  

What is TRUE


Stumbling/falling down, unfocused eyes, vomiting, disoriented/confused as to time and place, loss of consciousness/blackout, loss of memory...are all factors of this.  

What is Incapacitation 


Butler will take disciplinary action against a student or employee who knowingly provides _____  ______ during an investigation.    

What is False Information


A victim of Sexual Harassment or Violence is not required to file a report with who? 

What is the Department of Public Safety/Law Enforcement or with the Title IX office


As El Dorado Junior College, Butler was established in this year.

What is 1927


A Butler student is sexually violated off campus by a non-Butler student. Butler has an obligation to investigate the incident. 

What is FALSE 


In a Title IX context, this is created when unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it deprives a person's ability to benefit from educational opportunities.

What is a Hostile Environment


Legislation, regulations, and guidance to ensure equal access to education are all mandated by this office within US Department of Education. 

What is the Office of Civil Rights (OCR)


This is the name of Butler's Art Gallery. 

What is EB White Gallery


Butler's Timeless Institutional Values.

What are Quality, Integrity, Service and Caring


Intoxication creates an inability to consent.  

What is FALSE

(Incapacitation creates an inability to consent)