How should you walk over to Title?
In a straight line.
Is it respectful to talk out of turn?
What is the FIRST thing you do when we are getting ready to leave?
Clean your area.
Can your water bottle privileges be taken away?
How many Title teachers are there?
How should you enter the Library?
You enter in quietly and in a straight line.
If you get two spleems what happens?
You can not participate in the granny's wacky prize and you will have a re-teach with Mrs. Despain or Mrs. Mortensen.
Never, unless your title teacher gives permission.
Do we wear hats in the library?
What is the name of the teacher who is not here?
Ms. Woods
Name three things you CAN NOT bring to Title.
1. A bad attitude
2. Toys
3. Anything that belongs outside, on the ground, or in the trash.
How should you treat yourselves and others?
With Respect.
What are you supposed to do if you have to use the bathroom on your way back from Title?
Check in with your teacher first.
Roughriders are ______
Respectful, responsible, safe, or a problem solver.
When should you go behind the title teachers’ desk?
Never, unless the teacher gives you permission.
What can you bring to Title?
You can bring a water bottle, one jacket and a good attitude.
What is the correct way to ask/answer a question?
Raise your hand.
Can you line up to go whenever you want?
No, you need to wait to be dismissed by your Title teacher.
Who is the Librarian?
Mrs. Crockett
Which Title teacher had a birthday yesterday?
Mrs. Smith
What two things should you do before coming to Title?
1. Use the bathroom and get a drink of water.
How many times can you use the bathroom in Title?
What happens if you're being a crazy chicken in line?
You will be sent back to your chair and will be put in the back of the line.
Why do we use chromebooks in Title?
For Mypath and Amira.
Who is your Title teacher?
Answer varies.