Making Inferences
Main Idea
Noting Details
Parts of Speech
Author's Purpose
Today, jump-rope games are played by both boys and girls. But this was not always true. Until about 1900, jumping rope was nearly always a boys' game. Its rules were simple: whoever jumped the longest was the winner. What can you infer about jump-rope games a hundred years ago? a. They were the same as they are today. b. They were simpler than they are today. c. They took more strength to play.
b. They were simpler than they are today.
What do you think of when you think of the earth? A huge ball? Mountains? Countries? Forests? All of these things are part of the earth, but they are all land. The fact is that almost all of the surface of the earth is water. The water on the earth covers two times as muc surface as the land. Can you see why most people used boats for travel long ago before airplanes were invented? The earth is: a. mostly land. b. near the sun. c. mostly water.
The earth is . . . a. mostly water.
When people visit the zoo, they like to feed the animals. This is not always a good idea. Many zoo animals can eat only special foods. Most zoos try to let people know this. They put PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS signs on every cage. Some people do not give these signs much thought. What they do not know is that foods like popcorn and peanuts can make zoo animals very ill. Some have even died because they ate "visitor" food. People who really care about animals think about this. They leave the feeding of zoo animals to the keepers. It's what most zoo animals have to eat. a. a lot of sweet foods; b. special foods; c. a lot of popcorn and peanuts
b. special foods
The pronghorn antelope is the swiftest mammal in all of North America. Name three nouns in this sentence.
antelope, mammal, North America
When people visit the zoo, they like to feed the animals. This is not always a good idea. Many zoo animals can eat only special foods. Most zoos try to let people know this, by putting up signs that say "Please do not feed the animals." What is the author's purpose? a. To inform b. To persuade c. To entertain
The author's purpose in this passage is to inform (a).
Do you collect baseball cards? Many people do. You can save them. You can trade them with your friends. But did you know that some old baseball cards are valuable? One is worth nearly 2,000 dollars! It shows a picture of Honus Wagner. He was a great baseball star in the early 1900's, when the first baseball cards came in cigarette packages. Wagner did not smoke. He made the cigarette company stop using his picture. Only 30 of the cards are still around today. How would you like to have one in your collection? Wagner wanted the cigarette company to stop using his picture because: a. They hadn't paid him. b. The picture didn't look like him. c. He didn't smoke.
c. He didn't smoke.
What do you think of when you think of the earth? A huge ball? Mountains? Countries? Forests? All of these things are part of the earth, but they are all land. The fact is that almost all of the surface of the earth is water. The water on the earth covers two times as muc surface as the land. Can you see why most people used boats for travel long ago before airplanes were invented? Most travel long ago was a. by airplane and boat. b. by airplane. c. by boat.
Most travel long ago was . . . c. by boat.
When people visit the zoo, they like to feed the animals. This is not always a good idea. Many zoo animals can eat only special foods. Most zoos try to let people know this. They put PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS signs on every cage. Some people do not give these signs much thought. What they do not know is that foods like popcorn and peanuts can make zoo animals very ill. Some have even died because they ate "visitor" food. People who really care about animals think about this. They leave the feeding of zoo animals to the keepers. It's what you find on most cages at the zoo. a. WELCOME signs; b. PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS signs; c. PLEASE FEED THE ANIMALS signs
The pronghorn antelope is the swiftest mammal in all of North America. Name one of the adjectives in this sentence.
pronghorn or swiftest
Jamie walked outside. It looked like a true winter wonderland! The snow coated the trees like a bright white blanket, and the ground was covered in blistery, beautiful icy goodness. Jamie bundled up in her hat, gloves, coat, and boots. She grabbed her sled, and ran for the hills. What is the author's purpose? a. To inform b. To persuade c. To entertain
The author's purpose in this passage is to entertain (c).
Do you collect baseball cards? Many people do. You can save them. You can trade them with your friends. But did you know that some old baseball cards are valuable? One is worth nearly 2,000 dollars! It shows a picture of Honus Wagner. He was a great baseball star in the early 1900's, when the first baseball cards came in cigarette packages. Wagner did not smoke. He made the cigarette company stop using his picture. Only 30 of the cards are still around today. How would you like to have one in your collection? Few of the Honus Wagner cards are still around because: a. People didn't know they would someday be valuable. b. Wagner ordered them to be destroyed. c. The cigarette company went out of business.
b. Wagner ordered them to be destroyed.
What do you think of when you think of the earth? A huge ball? Mountains? Countries? Forests? All of these things are part of the earth, but they are all land. The fact is that almost all of the surface of the earth is water. The water on the earth covers two times as muc surface as the land. Can you see why most people used boats for travel long ago before airplanes were invented? This story could also be called . . . a. Boats b. What Is on the Earth? c. The Sun and the Earth
The story could also be called . . . b. What Is on the Earth?
Some people feel that cats have strange-looking eyes. They feel this way because cats' eyes do seem to glow at night, but this glow does not really come from the cat. It comes from light that the cat's eyes have picked up. A cat has a special surface in the back of its eyes. This surface catches and then reflects every little bit of light it can. You can really see this happening when the lights from a car shine on a cat. First the cat's eyes will catch a lot of the bright light. Then its eyes will suddenly have a bright green glow to them. This glow helps the cat to see better in the dark. It's what this reading is all about. a. cats as pets; b. cats and people; c. a cat's eyes
c. a cat's eyes
Its thick furry coat helps to keep it warm. Name the verb in this sentence.
Children should play ice hockey! It is a team sport, which teaches cooperation and sportsmanship. It also teaches children strength and perseverance. Plus, it's a great activity that will make those winter days not seem so long. What is the author's purpose? a. To inform b. To persuade c. To entertain
The author's purpose in this passage is to persuade (b).
An old story tells about a tortoise and a hare. The hare bragged about how fast he could run. He tried to get the other animals to race against him. None of them would do it. At last, the tortoise agreed to a race. The hare laughed. The tortoise was the slowest animal in the forest. He had short legs and was covered by a shell. The tortoise started off slowly. Soon, the hare was miles ahead. He thought the race was as good as won. He lay down to take a nap. While he was sleeping, the tortoise plodded by. After a while, the hare woke up. He started running again. But by then it was too late. From the story, I can infer that the word "plodded" means . . .
Plodded means to move slowly and heavily.
There are many kinds of stories. One kind is called a folk tale. Folk tales are stories that have been told over and over again. No one knows who made them up. Some stories changed as people told them. Some are two or more stories put together through the years of telling. For many years, folk tales were not put into writing, they were only told. Now, you may find folktales in books and read them. One folk tale you may have heard, or read, is "Snow White." What is the main idea of this passage?
This passage tells about folktales: what they are and how they have changed.
Some people feel that cats have strange-looking eyes. They feel this way because cats' eyes do seem to glow at night, but this glow does not really come from the cat. It comes from light that the cat's eyes have picked up. A cat has a special surface in the back of its eyes. This surface catches and then reflects every little bit of light it can. You can really see this happening when the lights from a car shine on a cat. First the cat's eyes will catch a lot of the bright light. Then its eyes will suddenly have a bright green glow to them. This glow helps the cat to see better in the dark. It's what a cat has in the back of its eyes? a. another set of eyes; b. a special surface that reflects light; c. a special green color
b. a special surface that reflects light
Caitlin loves to play soccer with her friends. There are two verbs in this sentence. What are they?
loves and play
Wolves are very fond of their leader. The pack believes this wolf is special. If they feel their leader is peaceful, they are peaceful. The pack gives this wolf a lot of loving tribute. They do this by biting the admired leader very gently under the chin. The leader will probably return this sign of goodwill. Signs of friendly affection between the leader and the pack go way back into wolf history. The wolves seem to love it. What is the author's purpose? a. To inform b. To persuade c. To entertain
The author's purpose in this passage is to inform (a).
An old story tells about a tortoise and a hare. The hare bragged about how fast he could run. He tried to get the other animals to race against him. None of them would do it. At last, the tortoise agreed to a race. The hare laughed. The tortoise was the slowest animal in the forest. He had short legs and was covered by a shell. The tortoise started off slowly. Soon, the hare was miles ahead. He thought the race was as good as won. He lay down to take a nap. While he was sleeping, the tortoise plodded by. After a while, the hare woke up. He started running again. But by then it was too late. What can you infer is the message (or lesson) of this story?
I can infer that the lesson of the story is that you should not brag or be over-confident. Sometimes, slow and steady wins the race!
Have you ever looked at a bee? If you see a bee on a flower, take a close look. Do you see many little hairs? The hairs hold something like bits of dust. This "dust" is called pollen. The pollen is food that the bee takes from the flowers. The bee flies from flower to flower and plant to plant. From some plants, it carries away pollen. On other plants, it drops off pollen. In this way, the bee carries pollen from one plant to another. The pollen helps new plants to grow. While the bee gets food, it is also starting new plants. What is the main idea of this passage?
The main idea of this passage is about how pollen feeds bees and helps plants to grow.
Some people feel that cats have strange-looking eyes. They feel this way because cats' eyes do seem to glow at night, but this glow does not really come from the cat. It comes from light that the cat's eyes have picked up. A cat has a special surface in the back of its eyes. This surface catches and then reflects every little bit of light it can. You can really see this happening when the lights from a car shine on a cat. First the cat's eyes will catch a lot of the bright light. Then its eyes will suddenly have a bright green glow to them. This glow helps the cat to see better in the dark. What does the glow help the cat do?
The glow helps the cat to see better in the dark.
My cat Oscar chases his tail, gets dizzy, and falls down. What is the proper noun in this sentence?
Children should use their recess time to play soccer. It is a fun sport, and gives all kids a chance to run around and play. It is a better choice than playing on the playground because the playground equipment can be dangerous. Plus, when you play soccer, you learn how to play well with each other and to respect everyone's strengths on the field. What is the author's purpose? a. To inform b. To persuade c. To entertain
The author's purpose in this passage is to persuade (b).