Spooky Scary Stories
Election History
Fall Brawl
Case Materials
Name that Homicide

The traditional name for the day immediately following Halloween. 

What is All Soul's Day?


The only person who served as President and Vice president without having been elected to either office.

Who is Gerald Ford?


The name given to the first day of fall.

What is the autumnal equinox?


The name of the "special" batch that Remy Mouchard was working on, during the morning of July 14th. 

The Bastille Day Special


"If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit" is the famous phrase uttered by defense attorney Johnnie Cochran, as part of the successful effort to convince the jury that O.J. Simpson was not guilty of murdering this German-American Mother of two.

Who is Nicole Brown (Simpson)?


An Irish author, best known today for his 1897 Gothic Novel "Dracula".

Who is Bram Stoker?


Adopted in 1920, giving women the right to vote.

What is the 19th Amendment?


These four Federal Holidays all occur within the fall season.(name all)

What is Col-*ahem* Indigenous Peoples Day, Election Day, Veterans Day and Thanksgiving?


It was on this date that Jordan Ryder was released from Breckenridge Correctional Institute.

What happened on June 2nd?


This Lead Attorney was able to helm a defense case that convinced a jury that enough reasonable doubt existed to acquit Casey Anthony of an alleged homicide of her daughter Caylee.

Who is Jose Baez?


The cult horror movie director responsible for such classics as 1978's "Halloween" and 1982's "The Thing". 

Who is John Carpenter? 


In 1943, this state was the first to lower the legal voting age to 18.

What is Georgia?


This U.S. State will harvest nearly 133 million boxes of apples this year. 

What is the State of Washington?


Exhibit 21

What is Kai Washington's Final Evaluation of Jordan Ryder


This man had the fortune of landing a starring role in the hit Netflix documentary "Making a Murderer", after having the misfortune of (potentially) being framed by the Manitowoc County authorities in the state of Wisconsin. 

Who is Steven Avery?


Making their appearance in William Shakespeare's Macbeth, these three Witches prophecy of the titular character's rise and fall in Act I. 

Who are The Weird Sisters?


This person was the youngest ever to become President, at age 42.

Who is Theodore Roosevelt? 


According to Greek legend, autumn begins when this Goddess returns to Hades in the underworld. Heartbroken, her mother, the goddess of grain and harvest, allows the crops on Earth to die until her daughter returns in the spring.

Who is Persephone?


In Exhibit 10, Jail Letter #1, Corbin references this movie to try and explain Parker's Osteogenesis Imperfecta.

What is Unbreakable (2000) ("that movie with Samuel L Jackson where he breaks really easily")? 


This Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia came under heavy scrutiny from the international community after totally *not being responsible for the murder of journalist and Saudi Government critic Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi.

Who is Mohammad bin Salman?


This man had a famous encounter with the ghost of a decapitated Hessian soldier, as he chased him through Sleepy Hollow.

Who is Ichabod Crane?


Four presidents, preceding Trump, have won the presidency while losing the popular vote. Name all four.

John Quincy Adams (1824), Rutherford B. Hayes (1876), Benjamin Harrison (1888) and George W. Bush (2000).


The name given to the full moon which occurs closest to the autumnal equinox. 

What is a Harvest Moon?


Midlands TV Show host and author of the book "Trail by Combat". 

Louisa Taylor. 


Mark David Chapman took responsibility, and was convicted for the killing of this celebrity on December 8th 1980. 

Who is John Lennon?