Who is Richard Crockett?
Device Vendors
Who is Medtronic and 1 Vision?
fall with injury, suicide, wrong site surgery/procedure
What is a Sentinel Event?
Goal 15- The hospital identifies safety risks inherent in its patient population.
What is reduce the risk for suicide and identify risks associated with home oxygen therapy such as home fires?
Progress Note title for falls (HT)
What is HT Outpatient Fall Event?
Kimberly Lane
Who is the Assistant Director?
What is the NIC census?
EEO Manager
Who is Glenn Long?
Includes a time-out is performed before a procedure.
What is Universal Protocol?
Roy Watts, ext. 5781
Who is the Suicide Prevention Case Manager?
Chief of Medical Services
Who is Dr. Sevetri Moore-Guillaume?
What is the census target per HTCC?
Accountability, Communication, Workload
What are the AES top 3 things Nursing wants?
Goal 1: Improve the accuracy of patient identification.
What is use at least 2 patient identifiers when providing care, treatment, and services?
What are DMPs covered by HT?
Janine Francis
Who is a Patient Safety Manager?
PI projects
What is the standardized orientation process, implementation of standardized Outpt. falls program and VVC utilization increase?
Goal of zero harm, safety and efficiency.
What is HRO, High Reliability Organization?
Maintain and communicate accurate patient medication information.
What is Goal 3: Improve the safety of using medications?
HT Contingency Plan
Rhonda Moore
Who is Privacy/FOIA Officer?
Facility Telehealth Coordinator
Who is Tim Story?
Compliance Officer
Who is Katy Nustad?
Goal 9
What is reduce the risk of falls?
Gives staff chance to experience other positions in the hospital.
What is Walk in my shoes?