The smooth underbelly of the sea turtle
What is the plastron
This turtle gets its name because of its exceptionally LARGE head
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Adult green sea turtles are ____, meaning they eat vegetables.
How many different species of sea turtle are there?
The class of sea turtles.
The Green Sea Turtle's most powerful sense
This turtle species dives the deepest, travels the farthest, and grows the largest.
The Leatherback Sea Turtle
Baby hatchlings and eggs are prey to what animals?
Iguanas, fish, birds, etc
The amount of turtles that make it to adulthood.
The most famous turtle movie.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
True or false:
Sea turtles cannot retract (or pull their head back) into their shells.
True! Sea turtles shells are a part of their body.
The smallest species of sea turtles.
Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles
Adult green sea turtles love to eat this type of food.
Sea Grass
True or false:
Sea turtles lay up to 1000 eggs at a time.
False. They can lay up to 200 eggs at a time but only 1 in 1000 sea turtles survive to adulthood.
This body part grows with the turtle. It’s impossible for them to grow too big for it!
These help turtles steer their bodies through the ocean
Their BACK flippers! The front flippers help propel them forward!
This turtle use their beaks to help extract their favorite prey (sponges).
Hawksbill Turtles
Four foods turtles love to eat are.....
Jellyfish, mollusks, shrimp and squid
How long have sea turtles been around?
Over 100 million years!
(That's longer than the dinosaurs!)
The oldest turtle lived for ______________ years.
188 Years! (His name was Jonathan)
Makes up the outer layer of a turtle shell
What is keratin
This turtle is given its name because its shell is incredibly flat.
The Flatback Sea Turtle
The leatherback turtle's favorite food
True or false:
Sea turtles have great vision both in water and air.
Sea turtles have much better vision underwater than they do in the air. In the air, sea turtles are actually shortsighted!
This type of turtle is most common pet turtle.
Red-Eared Slider.