Plot Events
Figurative Language
Historical Background

who is the narrator of the story?  

Scout- Jean Louise Finch


Which Character is Atticus asked to defend?

Tom Robinson


The dog was moving at a snail's pace is which type of figurative language?



What are the laws called that separated blacks and whites?

Jim Crow


Name a theme of the novel?

Loss of inoncence/Golden rule or courage


Who is Calpurnia?  Describe her.

Calpurnia is the Finch's cook and nanny.  She is strict but motherly to the children.


Which character is used to show the passing of time in the novel?  Describe him.

Dill- stays with his aunt over the summer because his mom is a single mom.  His dad left his family and he makes up stories about him because he is insecure.  He is very imaginative and creative in the stories and games he creates.

The story begins with, "When my brother Jem was 13 he broke his arm badly"

is known as what type of literary device?



Which historical background is inspiration for the following event: Walter Cunningham Jr.'s family can't afford lunch for him at school?

Great Depression

We learn about Scout and Jem over the course of two years.  What Theme does this suggest?

Growing up/loss of innocence


Describe Atticus (at least 3) and reasons why you use the character traits you chose.

Atticus is understanding and always tries to see things from other's perspectives.  (Interactions with Mrs. Dubose, taking on Tom Robinson's case) He is patient with the kids (Scout asking questions, explaining common things to her, and being patient with Jem when he is moody or stubborn)


What do the children find in the knothole of the Radley's tree?  Why is this significant?

The children find two carved figures that look a lot like Jem and Scout.  This shows that Boo is trying to communicate and is kind if he is giving the children 'toys' to play with.


"Maycomb was a tired old town" is what type of literary device?  What does it suggest about the setting of the story?

This is personification.  It suggests that the town could use some fixing up and contributes to the time period of the Great Depression.


Tom Robinson will not get a fair trial because the jury is all white.  What historical element does this support.  (Hint: Not racism)

Social Inequality


The boy is your company!  If he wants to eat the tablecloth, than you let him.  What literary device is this?  When was this line said (during which event)?

Hyperbole-extreme exaggeration.  Calpurnia said this when Scout made fun of Walter Jr. for pouring syrup all over his lunch

Bob Ewell reminded Atticus that he had children of his own.  "We woulddn't want anything to happen to them either, now, would we."  This is an example of what writing technique?  What can we infer might happen next in the story?

This is the foreshadowing technique.  It is possible that Atticus's children, Jem and Scout, might be hurt.  This is what is suggested if Atticus continues to defend Tom Robinson.


What do we learn about Atticus after the Rabid dog scene?  Why is this important?

Atticus is the best shot in Maycomb.  He is very humble about it and does not brag.  This suggests he is a strong character who does what is right and just without needing praise for it.  Similar to defending Tom in the upcoming case.


The Mockingbird is used as a figurative element to the story line. It stands for innocence. What is this known as (Hint: starts with an S)  



What is the term for the following definition: The bias people hold towards a group of people based on opinion and not individual facts.



Why does the Judge ask Atticus to defend Tom Robinson?  How does this tie into the themes of the Novel?

Atticus is known to be fair, have integrity and no prejudice to people who are different then him.  The judge knows that Tom will get the best defense in a trial that is already proving him guilty before innocence because of his skin color. (Golden Rule-treat others the way you want to be treated)  The judge knows it will take courage to defend him in a racist county such as Maycomb.  Through the events of the story, Atticus is trying to shield his children from the racism and prejudice of their hometown, but the children still lose their innocence as they experience it first hand through the court case.