What is Tom Robinson's wife's name?
What is the setting of the novel?
Maycomb, Alabama
Who is the narrator of To Kill a Mockingbird?
How many siblings did Mayella Ewell have?
Who puts cement in the Radley tree?
Nathan Radley
Why does Atticus defend Tom Robinson?
Because he believes in justice and equality
Who testifies second in the trial?
Mayella Ewell
What was Ms. Dubose addicted to?
Who did the Cunningham's not like?
How does Calpurnia teach Scout about hospitality?
Calpurnia teaches Scout about hospitality when she invites her to the Finch family's table and shows her how to treat others with respect, regardless of their social or economic status.
Why does Atticus want to explain to Scout about the racial prejudices in their town?
Because he believes she is old enough to know
How does Scout feel about her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher?
Scout feels that Miss Caroline Fisher is a bad teacher because she doesn't understand the ways of Maycomb and its people, and she punishes Scout for things that are out of her control.
What does Scout learn about her father, Atticus, during the trial?
Scout learns that her father, Atticus, is a moral and brave man who is willing to stand up for what is right, even when it is unpopular or dangerous.
What does Scout learn about her father during the trial?
He is a brave and moral man
Where did Dill, Jem and Scout sit during the trial?
In the balcony with the black community.
What happens when Scout talks to the mob at the jail?
She addresses Mr. Cunningham and reminds him of his humanity, causing him to rethink his actions and disperse the mob.
What is the symbol of innocence in the novel?
The mockingbird
What happens when Scout and Jem are attacked by Bob Ewell?
Boo Radley saves them
Why is Mayella Ewell so isolated in her community?
Because of her father’s reputation
According to Sheriff Heck Tate, how did Bob Ewell die?
He fell on a knife.
How do the townspeople react when they hear about Atticus defending Tom Robinson?
The townspeople are divided. Some support Atticus, but many disapprove of his defense of Tom Robinson due to racial prejudices. They criticize him for defending a black man and view him as challenging the social order.
Who is the prosecuting attorney?
Mr. Gilmer
Who is Aunt Alexandra, and what role does she play in the Finch family during the novel?
Aunt Alexandra is Atticus Finch's sister. She comes to live with the Finch family to offer a more traditional, "feminine" influence on Scout and to help during the trial. She is concerned with the family's social status and often clashes with Scout's independent nature.
What is the significance of the title To Kill a Mockingbird?
It represents the idea of destroying innocence.
What lesson does Atticus teach about handling difficult situations?
Atticus teaches Scout to stay calm, act with respect, and understand others, even when things are tough. He stresses the importance of seeing things from someone else’s point of view.