What are the two general types or kinds of problems?
Close-ended problems and open-ended or “loosely” structured problems
What is the teacher’s role in PBL?
The teacher must consider what levels of authenticity, complexity, uncertainty, and self-direction students can access and work within.
True or False. Problem-Based Learning is not standards-based. This form of learning tends to only focus on “soft skills” such as critical thinking.
PBL provides students with knowledge and academic skills. Skills that include but aren't limited to learning how to solve problems, work with others, think creatively, and communicate their ideas in a work-based setting. The concept of PBL combines content rich information and concepts with skills like metacognition.
Step One is… Example: “Determine what the problem is and why it is important to address”
Define/ Frame the Problem
These technologies can help assist students in answering questions and organizing and presenting data (Name one).
Word processor, Databases, Concept mapping/Graphics, Spreadsheet Software
What is the definition of problem solving?
Problem-solving is a process that centers on a problem. Students are able to use
What are the three general types of loosely structured problems?
Academic Challenges, Scenario Challenges, and Real Life Problems
True or False. Problem solving means searching for one right answer.
Step Two is… Example: “Decide how to address the problem”
These technologies require users to puzzle out directions, to find missing artifacts, or to follow clues that are increasingly difficult to find and understand. Example: Minecraft, Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones.
Video Games
What is the definition of inquiry-based learning?
Inquiry-based learning is again a type of learning approach, that really puts emphasis on the student role in their own learning. Inquiry itself is commonly referred to as guided discovery, or research.
Complete this quote: “When the teacher is a __________ rather than a taskmaster, learners become experts”
True or False. Teaching while using a PBL styled approach is very easy for the teacher to set up for their students.
Step Three is… Example: “Gather Data and come to conclusions”
These technologies are great for concept learning, especially for students who need extra support from photos, text, animation, video, and audio. Examples include virtual walks through museums, underwater explorations, house tours.
Virtual Field Trips
What is the definition of Scaffolding?
The support given to a student by an instructor/teacher throughout the learning process.
Complete this quote: “Not every aspect of students’ schoolwork needs to be real, but that connections should be made from the classroom to the _____ world”.
True or False: Teachers should keep the problem-solving process progressively moving.
Step Four is… Example: “Review and evaluate conclusions”
Look Back
Name at least one characteristic of effective technology-enhanced problem-based learning tasks.
Involve learners, Help learners, Give learners control, Have built in scaffolding, Are fun/ interesting, Contain specific objectives, have a measurable outcome, lead to further learning, central to curriculum, emphasize content, include communication/ collaboration.
What does PBL stand for?
Problem Based Learning
In your own words, describe problem-solving and its use within the classroom.
Answers will vary!
True or False: Cougars > Huskies
Which problem-based subjects are you passionate about? Why?
Answers will vary based on discussion.
Fill in the blank: PBL has been found effective at teaching content and problem-solving, and the use of _________ can make those gains even higher.