Basic Instinct (Doctrinal Law)
Things That Get You Sued
The Dark Chapters (Bankruptcy)
Rules of Engagement (Constitutional Law)
In the News
A jury is in charge of deciding issues of pure _____, while a judge is in charge of deciding issues of pure _____.
What are fact (jury) and law (judge?)
This May 1997 release by Scandinavian pop band Aqua landed it in court with American toy maker Mattel.
What is "Barbie Girl."
This investor led the leveraged buyout that ultimately bankrupted the Tribune Company.
Who is Zell Miller
This method of constitutional interpretation looks to the framers' views (the "What Would James Madison Do" school of thought).
What is originalism?
A New York Supreme State Supreme Court Justice recently struck down New York City Mayor and Stanford Class of 2013 Commencement Speaker Michael Bloomberg's ban on excess quantities of what?
What is soda?
In order to press a tort suit, a plaintiff must allege that the defendant had a ____ to the plaintiff (which was allegedly breached).
What is duty (or "duty of due care")?
The Christopher Brothers photographed a construction site for a new Texas plant of this chemical giant, raising allegations of stolen trade secrets
What is Dupont?
This chapter of the US Bankruptcy Code refers to corporate reorganizations
What is Chapter 11?
This Article of the Constitution creates the courts.
What is Article III?
Last week, US Senator from Kentucky Rand Paul used the procedural maneuver of a verbal filibuster to delay the vote on the nomination of what Obama appointee?
Who is John Brennan? (CIA director)
This provision of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure is used to ask that a case be dismissed for failure to state a claim.
What is Rule 12(b)(6)?
David Fincher's "The Social Network" used this litigation device to tell the tale of Facebook's disputed pre-IPO ownership
What are depositions?
This airline recently announced a deal to merge with US Airways while still in the process of its own Chapter 11 proceeding
What is American Airlines?
A ban on owning these weapons was struck down in D.C. v. Heller
What are handguns?
In the 2013 edition of the US News and World Reports Law School Rankings, Stanford and Harvard tied for second place behind this school
What is Yale Law School?
This individual is "master of the offer"
Who is the offeror?
The category of liability that products manufacturers are subject to.
What is strict liability?
This common cause of action in bankruptcy proceedings is defined as "the transfer of property to another party in order to defraud a creditor."
What is fraudulent conveyance?
Because of this 1868 amendment, most of the requirements of the Bill of Rights apply to the states, not just the federal government (sometimes called "incorporation").
What is the 14th Amendment?
This Stanford law professor recently authored, and presented a lecture on, a paper entitled “The United States v. Windsor Case, The Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, and Marriage Equality.”
Who is Pamela ("Pam") Karlan
This provision of the Internal Revenue Code governs non-profit organizations.
What is 501(c)3?
The largest oil tanker spill in American history occurred when a captain from this oil company ran aground off the coast of Alaska.
What is Exxon?
The word bankruptcy is derived from this Italian phrase, meaning "broken bench"
What is "banca rotta?"
This is the total number of ratified amendments to the Constitution.
What is 27? Amendment 27, ratified 1992 (proposed in 1789): "No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened."
Rebuking Chief Justice John Roberts’s use of statistics during oral arguments in Shelby County v. Holder, this New York Times mainstay said "As much as it pleases me to see statistical data introduced in the Supreme Court, the act of citing statistical factoids is not the same thing as drawing sound inferences from them."
Who is Nate Silver?