Where was the oldest surviving jewelry found?
Who is the father of modern origami?
Uchinaya Koko
Origami comes from the two Japanese words ‘ori’ and ‘kami’. What does ‘ori’ means?
A line or mark made by folding or pressing a piece of paper.
The most important fashion accessory in the past is
A material in fashion accessory. It can be plain and can be fancy.
What is the title of the book that is considered one of the earliest instructional guides on the art of origami?
When was the term fashion accessory first used?
19th century
This fashion accessory is no longer as popular nowadays.
Chinese paper folding is also known as what?
In the Philippines, what do you call a piece of cloth for the head that served as headgears?
These are small objects that are decorative in form and are available in different sizes ans shapes.
This can be a wonderful material because it is narrow and has finished edges that do not fray.
It is used in hand sewing and is perfect to use at the start of the project.
A. Tailor's Knot
B. Half-hitch Knot
C. Overhand Knot
D. Sequins
A thin, easy to fold paper and can hold crease
Origami paper
It is also known as paper trimmer and is best used in cutting origami paper.
Paper cutter
These are used to make one's outfit more alluring and appealing to the eye.
Fashion accessories
It is the amount that remains after all the costs have been deducted from the sales.
Part of project plan where the purpose is found
A. Methods
B. Objective
C. Procedure
D. Evaluation
Give the three types of pliers.
Needle-nose, round-nose, and crimp
This is used to keep beads from rolling around on your work surface.
Beading mat
In 1960, an international origami circle was established. Who is the founder of this circle?
Akira Yoshizawa
This is used to cut or trim wires, headpins, and eye pins.
Flush cut wire cutters
This serves as a guide for the overall execution and control of the project.
Project plan