What is
Who was the strongest man in the Bible? He tore a lion apart with his bare hands
Why is the Bible not a book?
What is
The word, 'Bible' comes from a Greek word Biblia which means, "books".
What is the name of this book in the Bible that got its name because it contains so many numbers?
What is
What is the city on the hill? It is also called the city of peace. It sat on Palestine's high mountain ridge about 2,500 feet above sea level. It was not good for farming and did not have enough water, but it did lay in the path of a major trade route.
What is
What is
What kind of disease struck Job?
What is
Who was the wisest man in the Bible?
What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
What is
("Jesus wept.")
The Bible uses this number to teach that God is one, and that He is the only God. Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Father are one.
What is
The number 1
What was the mountain of the Ten Commandments? While Moses was on the mountain "the people witnessed the thunderings, the lightning, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off."
What is
(Mount Sinai)
Shadrach, Meshach, and AbedNego.
What is
Who were the most fireproof men in the Bible
How many books are in the Bible?
What is
There are 66 books in the Bible with 35 authors
This number is often linked with the idea of perfection and completion. General Naaman had to dip himself into the Jordan this many times. The priests and soldiers marched around Jericho this many times.
What is
(The number 7)
What is the name of the mountain where Jesus loved to pray? When Jesus was near Jerusalem he liked to pray on this mountain. He was arrested there.
What is
The Mount of Olives
What is
This king was the richest in the Bible. He received money from tribute, taxes, and trade. His country was so rich that silver was said to be as common as stones in Jerusalem.
What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
What is
Psalm 119, it has 176 verses
This is the number of tribes of Israel and the number of disciples.
What is
(The number 12).
What were considered to be the two most wicked cities?
What is
Sodom and Gomorrah
What is the shortest book in the Bible?
What is
2 John, it has only 13 verses)
This is the number given to the beast in Revelation 13:18. The author of Revelation says this beast is powerful, deceitful, and able to perform miracles, but he does not reveal his identity.
What is
(The number is 666).
What was the name of the hill of Jesus' crucifixion? Outside the walls of Jerusalem on this hill--called "place of a
skull"-- Jesus was crucified.