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What 3 systems does the TMC use on a daily basis to work Planned & Unplanned Incidents?


CARS / 511



What does EIN stand for?

Emergency Incident Notification


Where can you locate TMC SOPs?

Dashboard (Help Icon)


If an issue occurs in "OTMS", how does the TMC report this issue?

1. Enter a QFREE Ticket in Dashboard.

2. If a critical issue, call QFREE then the DOT On Call.

3. Send a "System Interruptions- Email" using the Template in OneNote.


During Afterhours, what is the expected time frame for DOT to get to a scene for Assistance?

Roughly 2 hours because they have to drive to the local garage and then to the reported location.


What events need a Resource Plan in OTMS?

Planned Events (Construction/Maintenance Roadwork)


What does DNR stand for?

Department of Natrual Resources.


What are 4 (or more) Critical Signs that need a phone call to the Area's HMS/On Call to be replaced right away?

Curve 25 MPH

Do Not Enter

No Passing

Road Closed


Stop Ahead

Wrong Way


If an issue occurs in "Dashboard", how does the TMC report this issue?

1. Enter a Dashboard Ticket in Dashboard (if able). If unable to make a Ticket, send an Email to Rebecca Herring with DOT & TMC On Calls.

2. Call the DOT On Call.


If an Operator calls in sick or will be 15+ minutes late to work, what should they do?

1. Call the TMC and inform the Supervisor.

2. Call John.


If you are unable to map an Incident on a DOT Roadway in OTMS, what system would you use to warn the traveling public of said incident?

CARS / 511


What does TIS stand for?

Traveler Information System.


What is the difference between a TRIP Activation and Towing Operation?

TRIP Activations is a towing incentive program developed to expedite the clearance of traffic incidents involving commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).

Towing Operations are (usually) planned lane closures to remove earlier Semi (CMV) crashes.


If an issue occurs in "CARS / 511", how does the TMC report this issue?

1. Enter a CARS / 511 Ticket in Dashboard.

2. Send a "System Interruptions- Email" using the Template in OneNote.

3. Call the DOT On Call.


What is the difference between reports regarding "Street Light" and "Traffic Lights" when reported to the TMC?

"Street Lights" on an Interstate/Highway are property of the DOT while "Traffic Lights" are City/County property.


What are 3 ways to map a "Roadway Defect" depending on the report?

1. Request For Service (RFS) -> when no lanes are blocked or reported by citizen.

2. Emergency Vehicles -> when First Responders have a lane closed until DOT arrives.

3. Emergency Repairs -> DOT is on scene and has a lane closed for repairs.


What does MICRN stand for?

Metropolitan Incident Command Radio Network.


Who does the TMC need to call when a "dead pig" was reported in a shoulder of a DOT Roadway during business hours?

HMS of the Area (or Area's On call).

**Spencer Nelsen with USDA only needs called with release of Swine/Pigs/etc. Not when "dead" pigs are found.


If an issue occurs in "MACH", how does the TMC report this issue?

1. Call Dawn Williams &/or Brenda Kramer to report the issue.

2. Send a "System Interruptions- Email" using the Template in OneNote.

3. Call the DOT On Call.


When an "Eagle" is reported dead and DOT was requested to remove it, who all needs called (2 total calls)?

1. HMS of the Area (or Area's On Call).

2. Call DNR.

When should 511 be Suppressed vs resent out when an Incident clears?

Suppressed: Stalled Vehicles when First Responders clear from scene, when it becomes an Abandoned Vehicle, and when Slow Traffic Events clear.

Resend 511 for all other Events.


What does HSEMD stand for?

Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department.


How does the TMC work "Wrong Way Driver" incidents?

1. Operator gathers all information form reporting Agency.

2. Operator maps the Incident into OTMS and activates all DMS in a 20 mile radius (use Resource Plan if able).

3. Another Operator assists in calling all Law Enforcement in the area (Local PD, County, Iowa State Patrol).Don't recall the reported Agency!

4. All Operators will scan CCTV in the area or the reported WWD.

5. Operator working the OTMS Event will update and send out the EIN.

6. After 10 minutes of no updated information, contact the reporting Agency for updates.

7. Work the Incident further per the updated information (UTL vehicle, Stopped the vehicle, or Crashed).


If an issue occurs in "TMC Phones &/or Recording System", how does the TMC report this issue?

1. Call the Iowa DOT HelpDesk. If afterhours, call the HelpDesk On Call.

2. Send a "System Interruptions- Email" using the Template in OneNote.

3. Call the DOT On Call.



On the TMC SharePoint Site, what tab has the "TMC Systems Interruptions" located in it?

Reference Guides