Star Wars Actors
The Clone Wars
Star Wars Trivia
Who am I?

Harrison Ford's two most iconic roles are as Han Solo and this fictional archaeologist who shares his name with a US State.

Who is Indiana Jones?


This Clone wields dual blasters and can often be seen working closely with Ahsoka and Anakin. 

Who is Rex


The Star Wars Rewatch has been running for 25 episodes! How many of those have been on The Clone Wars TV Show?

What is 21 Episodes.


Darth Vader reveals that he is this in relation to Luke during their battle in Empire Strikes Back.

What is his father?


I am small, green, cute, and can occasionally be seen wearing chain meil. But don't let my looks fool you. I have been known to stop many dangerous characters in my time.

Who is Grogu?


James Earl Jones is a fan of the movies even after playing a major role in them, voicing this black armor wearing main villain.

Who is Darth Vader?


Hevy, Fives, Echo, Cutup, and Droidbait are members of this Squad 

Domino Squad


This Force Ability may not be canon, but according to Josh & John, Yoda has it. 

What is Force Bones


This is the name of the main character of Star Wars episodes VII-IX.

Who is Rey?


I was brought into this world by a child. I've been ripped apart and put back together more times than I care to remember. My best friend is always getting me into terrible situations. 

Who is C3-P0


Mark Hamill is known for being on screen as Luke Skywalker, but he has also voiced a wide variety of cartoon characters, such as this clown prince of crime.

Who is The Joker?


This Bounty Hunter had a very brief appearance in the Phantom Menace, but wasn't fully explored until their appearances in The Clone Wars.

Who is Aurora Sing


The Millennial Falcon has published 32 Podcasts, including the one Update episode, but how many of those have NOT been apart of the Star Wars Rewatch

What is 7 Episodes


This droid was created by Anakin Skywalker.

Who is C3P0?


You've rarely seen me move, or even hold a weapon. I'm not very easy on the eyes, or any other part for that matter, but my name brings fear to most everyone in the outer rim. 

Who is Jabba the Hutt


After playing one of Padme's handmaidens in Ep. 1, Keira Knightly then went on to play a major role in these Disney adventure movies.

What is Pirates of the Caribbean?


This Apprentice is a master at using the Jar'Kai style of combat which utilizes two lightsaber blades, one often shorter than the other. 

Who is Asajj Ventress


The Millennial Falcon Podcast has this many Total Downloads. (Get within 50) 

What is 750 downloads


This is the name of the desert planet where both Luke and Anakin Skywalker grew up.

What is Tatooine?


I'm arguably the most important character in Star Wars. If it wasn't for me, many ships would have never made it, countless people would be dead, and the plans for the Death Star would have never gotten to where they needed to go.

Who is R2-D2


This fan favourite actor from Phantom Menace has been in well over 100 movies, most of which he is often playing the same type of character.

Who is Liam Neeson


This clone is known to be one of the most skilled shooters and pilots in the galaxy growing to work alongside many well known Leaders such as Darth Vader, Jabba the Hutt, and more. 

Who is Boba Fett


Name the title quote from any TMF episode

(Reference Episode List)


This is the name of the former jedi master who went into exile on the swamp planet of Dagobah.

Who is Yoda?


I've been portrayed by over 5 actors in Canon. At times in my life I could strike fear into the hearts of anyone without saying a word. Other times I didn't do much else but complain. I can fix anything, and am one of the best pilots in the galaxy. 

Who is Anakin Skywalker