
True or false: 

If there are two passages, I do not have to use information from both texts in my narrative writing piece. I can choose the one that fits my story best. 

False- You DO have to use information from both texts EQUALLY 


What must be included in your first paragraph of an argumentative essay that lets the reader know your opinion?

Hint: starts with a "C"



True or false

An informational essay should include my opinion

FALSE- you are INFORMING the audience. An argumentative essay "argues" your opinion 


What is wrong with this sentence?

there is a musty smell as soon as I enter the cafeteria that burns my throat and brings tears to my eyes.

Capitalize  the "T" on There


True or False: Your essay must have more than one paragraph 

True! It must be a multi-paragraph essay! 


True or false:

It is okay to quote evidence in a narrative piece

False- you should incorporate the evidence without quoting it like you would in an argument or info writing 


True or false:

It is okay to say "I think" or "I believe" in my claim

False! Avoid using "I"


Should you use "I" in an informational piece. For example, "I know this because..."

NO! there are plenty of ways to prove your evidence without saying "I know this because". This (proves, suggests, explains...)


True or false: It is okay if my writing is not understandable as long as I tried I will get a good score

False- you must write so that the reader can easily read the writing! 


What is sensory language?

Using the 5 senses/detailed description to describe a moment in time 


Point of view is...

a particular attitude or way of viewing a matter

point of view can be 1st person, 2nd person, or 3rd person

there is also limited vs omniscient p.o.v 

What should be included in the intro of your argumentative essay?

Hook- Interest the reader 

Overview - background on the topic 

Thesis - claim


What should be included in the intro of your informational piece? 

Hook- interest reader

Overview- provide background info on topic

T- Thesis- what will you be writing about? 


what is missing?

“During a challenge like giving a speech, teens release more stress hormones and have higher blood pressure than kids or adults.”  This solidifies the fact that teens are much more likely to have a strong reaction to stress and embarrassment.  

Intro to the quote like 

For example, in paragraph 5 Hicks explains, "(quote)"


In what writing genre would sensory language most likely be used?



Name three elements a narrative must have

characters, setting, plot (first three) 

May accept at teacher discretion: dialogue, pacing, point of view, conflict, etc 


If your claim is in your intro then what should your body paragraphs be doing in an argumentative essay?

The body paragraphs are proving your claim with evidence from the text


If you were given an article with information about Mr. Comely's beliefs about fear how would you "trace the development" of those in your essay?

Write an essay in which you trace the development of Mr. Comely's beliefs about fear.  Be sure to cite evidence to support your analysis.  Follow the conventions of standard written English.

Each body paragraph would explain a different  belief about fear using the ideas presented in the text--best written in the same order the ideas were presented in the text.

Fix the errors:

In adventures of huckleberry finn,mark Twain portrays tom and huck as…

In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain portrays Tom and Huck as…


How is an informational piece different from an argumentative?

In an argumentative essay, the writer is proving their claim (opinion). In an informative essay the writer is providing information meaning no opinions


What is wrong with this section of narrative writing?

  "Hello." She gave a start, surprised. "Is is really you? I can’t believe it’s been so long!" "Sorry I’ve been such a hermit," I said, smiling.

Dialogue rules! 

She gave a start, surprised. ‘Is is really you? I can’t believe it’s been so long!’
‘Sorry I’ve been such a hermit,’ I said, smiling.


I should only include information that supports my claim. I should not include evidence that supports the other side of the argument: true or false and explain why

False! You must have a paragraph that addresses the counterargument and include a rebuttal or reason why that argument is not strong. 


What does delineating mean in this prompt?

Write an essay delineating the major differences between empathy and sympathy. Be sure to cite evidence to support your analysis.  Follow the conventions of standard written English.

to describe or portray precisely


Fix the errors

Their are to many puzzle peaces two count. 

There are too many puzzle pieces to count. 


Explain how you would prepare for this writing assignment

Carefully read the selections and answer all aspects of the prompt

You have just read two passages about sports injuries in young people. Write an informational essay explaining the strategies parents and children can use to prevent sports injuries among young athletes.

Manage your time carefully so that you can plan your essay and do some prewriting. Be sure to

  • use evidence from both passages.
  • avoid over-relying on one passage.

Your written response should be in the form of a multi-paragraph informational essay.

1) Figure out what style of writing (informational)

2)Find evidence form the text to use 

3) Pre-write (graphic organizer or outline)

4) Write!