What was the topic for Today's Lessons
How many Disciple did Jesus have?
Who did Jesus resurrected from death?
What was the story of Unmerciful servant?
Even though his master forgave a large amount of his debt because he asked for forgiveness, He didn't forgive his fellow servant's small debt. When the master found out, he was put in Jail.
How many books are in the Bible? How many in the Old and New Testaments?
66, 27 in New testament and 39 in old Testament
What did you learn last Sunday school?
To Offer every-part of ourself to God as an instrument of Righteousness
How many times are we to forgive others? what book of the bible did we learn it from ?
Unlimited, Matthew
What is the Good News? Share it with us?
Good News: Jesus died on the cross for us while we were still sinners so we can go to Heaven
Why did David win in the battle with Goliant?
Because God was with him
What are the three reason we should forgive?
Because God will forgive our sin when we forgive others, we got it for free to share and if we don't forgive others it ends up hurting us
what does Jesus call us of the world ?
Salt and light
How many days and nights does Jesus fast? In what ways was he tempted ?
40 days and nights, He was tempted with food, luxury, and pride
How does Jesus demonstrate forgiveness on the cross? What does he say? What book of the Bible and chapter?
He says forgive them father for they do not know what they are doing while being crucified, Luke 23:34
What are the things Jesus declared to be ? Say 4
"I am the bread of life" (John 6:35)
"I am the light of the world" (John 8:12)
"I am the door" (John 10:9)
"I am the good shepherd" (John 10:11, 14)
"I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25)
"I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6)
"I am the vine" (John 15:1, 5)
Name all the fruits of the spirit and armor of God ? Which is the only armor of God that can be used for atttack?
Love, Joy, peace, Patience, kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Self control, and Gentleness
Belt of truth
Breastplate of righteousness
feet of the gospel of peace:
Shield of faith:
Helmet of salvation:
Sword of the Spirit:
Sword of the Spirit: