The full name of Tommy's Grandfather
What is Thomas Wiley Burkett?
The number of tattoos that Noah has
What is two?
The date of Carter's birthday
What is January 2nd, 2004?
The states that TNC are from
What is Virginia for Tommy and Carter, Pennsylvania for Noah?
The name of the person who moved into apartment 4517 first
Who is Robby?
The number of dogs that Tommy has had
What is zero?
The 3 soccer positions that Noah has played in
What is centerback, outside back, and center mid?
One of the clubs that Carter partakes in (Other than Club B)
What is Board Game Club/What is Poker Club?
What are TNC's go-to meals, with options of:
Caf-Style Pasta
Taco Pie
What is Taco Pie for Tommy, Nachos for Noah, and Caf-Style Pasta for Carter?
The name of the person who received the lease offer for apartment 4517
Who is Noah?
Tommy's "spot" to shoot from in the apartment (visual answer)
What is behind the third barstool from the door?
The area of France where Noah studied abroad
What is Southern France?
What are peanuts and tree nuts?
TNC's top Spotify Artists, from options of:
What is Radiohead for Tommy, FUR for Noah, and Vexento for Carter?
The animals featured in the wall art across from the 5th floor elevator
What are Crows?
The famous detective that Tommy played as in his high school film
Who is Batman?
Noah's job when at home
What is Cook?
Carter's job in high school
What is Referee?
The cars that TNC drive, from options of:
2016 Honda Odyssey
2017 Volkswagen Jetta
2019 Chevy Cruise
What is Cruise for Tommy, Jetta for Noah, Odyssey for Carter?
The names of our Miis on the Wii
What are Tom, Noah :), and Mr.Carter?
The sport that Tommy won the Championship of in 8th grade
What is ping-pong?
The solo events that Noah did in high school track
What is the 400m, 800m, and long jump?
The color of Carter's hair in middle school
What is Pink?
The shows that TNC watch, from options of:
New Girl
The Office
What is The Office for Tommy, New Girl for Noah, and House for Carter?
The contents of the blue chest next to the TV
What are board games?