Motion and Forces
Motion and Forces 2
Newton's First Law
Newton's Second
Newton's 2nd and 3rd

A push or a pull 

What is a force?


Another term for air resistance

What is fluid friction? 


Newton's first law is also known as the law of ____. 

What is inertia? 


____ is speed in a given direction

What is velocity?


Tim swings a ball on a string around his head. Which direction does the velocity have a tendency to move the ball, due to inertia? A) in a circle towards the center    B) in a straight line 

What is B?


Pushing keys on a keyboard would be a contact or a noncontact force? 

What is a contact force? 


The gravitational force exerted on an object

What is weight? 


The combination of all forces acting on an object 

What is Net Force? 


The ________ of an object is equal to the _____ acting on the object divided by the _____ of the object

What is acceleration, force and mass


What is the term for the forces that two objects apply to each other? 

What is a force pair? 


Gravity and magnetism are examples of this kind of force

What is noncontact force? 


Balanced forces acting on an object cause this type of friction 

What is static friction? 


An unbalanced force applied to an object causes:

What is acceleration? 


What is the triangle formula for Newton's Second Law? 

What is "I Got you, Fam."


You dive off the hull of a boat. The boat moves away from you as you move forward into the water. This is an example of which law?

What is Newton's third law?


Gravitational pull depends on these two factors

What are distance and mass? 

A substance that cuts down on friction, such as oil or soap

What is a lubricant?


Wearing a seat belt ensures that the ______ of a person driving (or riding in) a car will not cause the person be thrown out if there is a sudden stop

What is inertia? 


Tracie shoots an arrow with her bow. If she suddenly uses a heavier arrow, what will happen to the time it takes for the arrow to reach its highest speed? 

What is it would take longer


A boy in skates pushes against a wall. He moves backwards. If he took off his skates and pushed again with the same force, he wouldn't move with the same acceleration. What force would interfere with his moving backwards? 

What is friction? 


These are the three types of friction

What are static, sliding and fluid friction? 


You push a box across the floor with a force of 5N, but the box does not move. What is the static friction? 

What is 5N?  


What would be the net force if one boy is pushing a box to the right with 50N of force and another boy is pushing to the left with a force of 75N? 

What is 25N to the left


A 24N net force acts on an 8kg rock. What is the acceleration of the rock? (Must use correct unit!)

What is 3 m/s2?


Why don't the forces in a force pair (you jump off the floor into the air) cancel each other out? 

What is the forces are acting on different objects?