List 3 negative coping mechanisms.
Negative self-talk, Chewing your fingernails, Becoming aggressive or violent (hitting someone, throwing or kicking something, Eating too much or too little or drinking a lot of coffee, Consuming Drugs or Alcohol
What are warning signs?
Small changes or a feeling that “something is not quite right” about a person's thinking, feelings or behavior before a illness appears in its full-blown form.
Focuses on recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
People with mental health conditions are violent
Feeling ignored causes the same chemical affect as what?
Physical Injury.
A type of meditation where you focus on being aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment.
What mental health condition is associated with these symptoms:
Persistent feelings of sadness or worthlessness
loss of interest or joy in normal activities
slower cognitive functioning
anger or irritability?
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Allows you to cope effectively with life and create satisfying relationships
Mental health issues are a result of personality weakness or character flaws
How many positive things are needed to outweigh a single negative thing?
3 Ways Gratitude Benefits Our Brains
Relieves Stress & Pain, Help reduce depression, and Improves mood
What is the syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress and is characterized by feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
increased mental distance from one’s job
feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job
reduced professional efficacy.
Focuses on acknowledging the importance of physical activity, nutrition, and sleep
People with mental health conditions can be just as productive as other employees, especially when they are able to manage their mental health condition well.
What percentage of the time does the average person's mind wander?
30% of the time.
Dealing with Stressful Situations: The Four A׳s
Avoid, Alter, Adapt, and Accept
Many individuals will have short term responses to life-threatening and traumatic events; however, some will develop longer term symptoms that can lead to a diagnosis of what?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Focuses on maintaining good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being
You have control over whether you are in a positive or negative mental health space.
I am known as the "Father of Psychoanalysis" and I argued that personality is comprised of the id, ego, and superego. Who am I?
Sigmund Freud.
What are the 7 active coping strategies?
Meditation, Journaling, Positive thinking, Forgiveness, Reframing, Talking it out, and Working with a therapist.
It might cause you to sweat, feel restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. It can be a normal reaction to stress.
Focuses on developing a sense of connection, belonging, and support with others
You can always tell if someone has a mental illness.
According to Paul Reber, Professor of Psychology at Northwestern University, how many gigabytes can the human brain store?
2,500,000 gigabytes