"Their eyes were watching god"
"The outsiders"
"To his Coy Mistress"
"The Coffin Maker"

Who is the main character?

Janie Crawford


Who was the narrator of this story?

Ponyboy Curtis, the story is in first person


What does the word Coy mean in the title?

Describes a person, especially a woman, who is shy, often in a playful or flirtatious manner.


Who is the main character in "The Coffin-Maker"?

a coffin-maker who experiences a significant dream that influences his decisions.


Why does Othello think Desdemona is having an affair?

Because Iago is lying to Othello and saying that Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair.


What was Janie's idea of love before she was married?

She thought marriage would bring her love.


How does Ponyboy describe "family"?

Anyone who loves you and cares about you


What was the speaker trying to portray in the novel? 

He is trying to convive her to make love with him.


Does the protagonist dreams make him feel loved?

No they make him feel the opposite which makes him want to change his life around.


what is roderigo complaining about in the opening scene?

Othello's love with Desdemona and how Brabantio did not let him marry Desdemona


What happened to Joe and Janie's relationship during the 7th year of their marriage?

Joe started criticizing Janie. At first she fought back, then she gradually submitted. She learned to keep her thoughts to herself.


Why is Johnny Cade so nervous and scared all the time?

He was jumped and hurt to the breaking point. He didn't get loved growing up.


What other images does he use to describe their love?

A cannon ball that penetrates the iron gates of life.


How does the protagonist's dream affect his actions in the story?

The protagonist's dream serves as a catalyst for significant changes in his life, prompting him to reevaluate his priorities and make transformative decisions.


What caused Desdemona to fall in love with Othello?

Because of his stories.


Describe Janie and tea-cakes last moments together?

Janie held tea-cake in her arms and wept and silently thanked him for all the time they had together, just before he died.


What makes a person choose to act like Dally?

They don't feel loved. They have nothing to live for and no one to look up to so they choose crime to fill their lives and that leads to jail.


What is suggested by words like "deserts", marble vault", "dust", and ashes"?

Beauty is limited, it does not last forever, time is against them and the words associated mean that you will die eventually.


How would you describe the emotional journey of the main character in the story?

The main character undergoes an emotional journey, grappling with his feelings and decisions.


Why does Desdemona respond so lovingly toward Othello when he has clearly abused her and does not believe her?

Because Desdemona still loves him and is faithful.


How did Teacake and Janie's marriage impact Janie? 

Janie's marriage to Tea Cake makes her feel like she has been given a second chance in life to live her youth; she feels reborn.


Ponyboy feels that Darry doesn't love him as much as Sodapop. Why?

Darry is always yelling at Ponyboy at him to do better when he is doing the best that he can. Darry never yells at Ponyboy.


What kinds of birds do you typically associate with love, and are those the birds evoked here?

Doves, birds that follow prey are mentioned- tearing at each other physically and devouring time


What is the central theme of the novel?

The story explores the themes of mortality, the choices individuals make in response to the awareness of their own mortality


What was the downfall for Othello?

It was his jealously, he loved Desdemona so much he was blinded by jealously and couldn't see that Iago was lying to him.