Their Eyes Were Watching God
The Outsiders
Great Expectations
The Necklace
John Donne Holy Sonnet 10

The following quote refers to Janie and her three lovers."The minute you allow others to limit you, you diminish yourself and your potential."

This quote is talking about diminishing ________ potentials

A. Living

B. Learning

C. Both 

C. Both

A life not lived well was due to the lack of learning, and exploring what a life well lived looks and feels like.


"Sixteen Years on the streets and you can learn a lot" SE. Hinton the outsiders

This quote shows what significance to living and learning?

A. Being a human and living out in rough areas for that amount of time, can give lots of life lessons for living/surviving.

B. Being human and learning comes by nature and living in the streets is rough but doesn't do anything to how one ultimately lives, and learns from that.

A Is Correct. Ponyboy says this to make us realize that their lives consisted of a lot of hard realizations that came to them after living through their mistakes, and learning from them.


"A hundred mistakes are an education if you learn something from each one."

This is a prime example of what aspect?

Living, or Learning?


It mostly represents the learning aspect since one makes mistakes, and learns from them through a good source of education.


This EXACT quote from the necklace... It represents which aspect of living and learning MORE? the Living, or Learning aspect?

“She danced madly, ecstatically, drunk with pleasure, with no thought for anything, in the triumph of her beauty, in the pride of her success, in a cloud of happiness made up of this universal homage and admiration, of the desires she had aroused, of the completeness of a victory so dear to her feminine heart.”

In this quote, it seems she is in the more living aspect of being human.


The following quote shows how different people learn and live differently. What is the key word that shows how people have perspectives on things that may be different than others?

"Some people could look at a mud puddle and see an ocean with ships."

A. Interpreting

B. Examining

C. Responding

A. Interpreting

This quote best exemplifies different interpretations of a mud puddle just looking like a mud puddle, or looking at a mud puddle with a positive interpretation of something more than just a simple mud puddle. This story connects with Janie's life, and what she goes through in Their Eyes.


What aspect of this quote does this show more? Living or Learning?

"Get Smart and nothing can touch you."

A. Living

B. Learning

Learning. Gaining intelligence as this quote says to do tells every human to learn. No human naturally can get intelligent without learning in some way.


What word do you think fills the blank within this quote taken from Great Expectations? Hint: Think relevance to the overall topic

"_________ is made of so many partings welded together."

A. Life

B. Education

C. A House

A. Life


"How strange and changeful is life! How small a thing is needed to make or ruin us!” 

Whats the biggest lesson we learn as human beings, and reading this passage? What do humans do a lot of?

MY ANSWER: The  biggest lesson here is do not take life and what it gives you for granted. Humans become too focused on materialistic objects and take their well lived life for granted. Understand, that any small hinderance in ones life can mess it all up, and set a life well-lived from before, a now life in dread due to the amount of mistakes one has made for taking for granted many things in life that shouldn't be


John Donne's Holy Sonnet 10 tells us to not be ____________ in fear about death, rather ____________ to appreciate the fulfilled life you are given.

Living is the first, learn is the second.

tells us to not be ___Living______ in fear about death, rather ___Learn____ to appreciate the fulfilled life you are given.

Do not fear death.


This question has no quotes. Rather, it makes you think about Janies life and how it related to the concept of being human is to live and learn.

How do we think Janie lives and learns through these relationships?

A. She realizes that love doesn't always come on the first try.

B. She realizes that every person is different, and each guy had different personalities that did not match well with her.

C. Both of these

C. Both of these

Love doesn't always come to someone right away. There are a lot of people out there, and one must Live through these complicated times to figure out who they are, and they also must realize that each person is different. Each person will have their own personality. It's just a matter of finding someone who shares a lot of common interests with you.


Interpret how this quote has to do with living and learning with regards to The Outsiders

"You don't just stop living because you lose someone... You don't quit."

Just as Darry said to Ponyboy, you cannot stop living due to a tragedy that happens. One must mourn and move on, from that casualty as hard as it may seem. Furthermore, one must take it as life itself, and a life well lived by another human who has passed on to the eternal god.


Simply fill in the blank for the following quote.

"If you can't get to be uncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked... ________ well and die happy.


A life well-lived will require one to take routes they may not want to, to experience different things in life, and learn from those mistakes, or differences that may have hindered a life. Take these mistakes as something one can work off of and make a happier life in the end.


True or False:
The Necklace mainly focuses on how some people put more attention towards materialistic objects, and yet loose focus on life and what they have in present.


In the end, we learn that the main character has learned that she now has witnessed a tragedy in her life, and has to accept the harsh reality of her life now to come since she has focused materialistic objects rather than what should mean most to her in life (Her husband, and her love she should have for HIM).


The following quote from The Outsiders has to do with what aspect of living or learning? Why?

"You still have a lot of time to make yourself be what you want. There's still a lot of good in the world." SE Hinton.

LEARNING mostly because making yourself become what you want to be or do in life will depend on how much you learn about that specific career or job, or whatever lifestyle it may be.


Briefly Interpret this quote with regards to how it can relate to being human is to live and learn.

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

"Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be."

I will accept answers within range to mine depending on correctness, and amount of accuracy.

MY answer: Suffering, or taking mistakes in life may be harder than an actual teaching of something like a mistake that was made since one must live through these mistakes and face the consequence, and have GREATER expectations to their next endeavors in life.

Half credit may be possible for this question depending on circumstances.