The Real World
Levels of Classism
Human Trafficking
Pop Culture
Relative social rank in terms of income, wealth, education, occupational status, and/or power
What is Class?
$7.85 per hour
What is current minimum wage in Ohio?
This race/gender combination has the highest rate of poverty in America.
What is black female?
Last year, the C.I.A. estimated that 18,000-20,000 people are trafficked annually into this country.
What is United States of America?
Forbes estimates this Microsoft founder to have a net worth of $45 billion.
Who is Bill Gates?
The institutional, cultural, and individual set of practices and beliefs that assign differential value to people according to their socioeconomic class; and an economic system that creates excessive inequality and causes basic human needs to go unmet.
What is Classism?
This life necessity will cost the average family of 4 in Ohio $875/ per month.
What is groceries/food?
This term refers to classism on a personal or individual level, either in behavior or attitudes, either conscious and intentional or unconscious and unintentional
What is Individual Classism?
The overwhelming majority of sex slaves in the United States are trafficked in from this country.
What is Mexico?
You can buy this many McDouble's (double cheeseburgers) at McDonald's for the price of ONE premium salad.
What is 5?
The stratum of families whose income depends on hourly wages for labor, or on other non-managerial work or very small business activity that doesn’t require higher education.
What is The Working Class?
The Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies estimates that 1 out of 6, or approximately 1.8 million people live at or below this.
What is federal poverty line?
This term refers to the ways in which intentional and unintentional classism is manifest in the various institutions of our society
What is Institutional Classism?
The average age girls trafficked into the U.S. as sex slaves in the past 5 years.
What is 13 to 17 years old?
This team won the Superbowl in 2014.
Who are the Seattle Seahawks?
The stratum of families for whom breadwinners’ higher education and/ or specialized skills brings higher income and more security than working- class people have.
What is The Middle Class?
It is estimated that less than 35.5% of adults in Ohio have access to this level of education.
What is College/University?
This term refers to the ways in which classism is manifest through our cultural norms and practices. It can often be found in the ideology behind something
What is Cultural Classism?
The common abbreviation used for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency.
What is I.C.E.?
Name all the Heroes that make up the Avengers?
Ironman, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor and Hulk.
One of the many tangible or intangible unearned advantages of higher-class status, such as personal contacts with employers, good childhood health care, inherited money, speaking the same dialect and accent as people with institutional power.
What is Class Privilege?
It is estimated that by the year 2020 64.5% of jobs in Ohio will require this.
What is a college degree?
This type of insurance costs the average family of 4 $16,000 per year.
What is healthcare?
The estimated amount of sex slaves held in captivity each year in the United States.
What is 30,000-50,000 people?
What actor narrates the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" and plays the role of Andy's new best friend?
Who is Morgan Freeman