Who was Moroni running from when he wrote his final chapters?
The Lamanites
What ordinance is described in Moroni 2?
Confirmation and conferring the holy ghost
Who can ordain priests and teachers?
Elders of the church, bishop- rick, etc...
What are the two main purposes of the sacrament prayer?
To remember Jesus Christ and to keep his commandments
What are the qualifications for baptism mentioned in Moroni 6:1-2?
A broken heart, a contrite spirit, repentance, and the willingness to take Christ's name upon them
What did Moroni continue to write despite being in danger?
The teachings and the history of his people
How is the holy ghost given to someone?
By the laying on of hands by those in authority
How are people ordained to the priesthood?
By the laying on of hands
What promise do we make during the sacrament?
To always remember Jesus Christ
What were new church members expected to do after baptism?
Be nourished by God's word, keep the commandments, and meet together often to fast and pray
What happened to the Nephite nation?
They were destroyed
What phrase describes the Holy Ghost's influence in Moroni 6:4?
"Wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost"
What qualities should those being ordained have?
Worthiness and readiness to serve
What blessing do we receive if we keep our sacrament covenant?
We will have his spirit to be with us
How did church members support each other?
By watching over, meeting together, and praying for each other
How did Moroni show his faithfulness to God?
By continuing to write and keep the commandments
What words did Jesus tell his disciples to use when conferring the Holy ghost?
Reference: John 20
"Receive the Holy Ghost"
Why must ordinances be performed by those with authority?
To ensure proper conferral of Priesthood Power
How often did early church members partake of the sacrament?
Reference: Acts 2
Daily or frequently
What does "nourished" by the good word of God" mean?
Regularly studying and applying scripture teachings
What did Moroni hope his writings would be for future generations?
A source of guidance and inspiration
Why is confirmation important?
Reference: Moroni 6
It bestows the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost
Why is priesthood authority emphasized in Moroni 3?
To follow Jesuses instructions and ensure the sacredness of the ordinance
Why are the sacrament prayers detailed and specific?
To ensure the ordinance is performed correctly and reverently
Why is being "numbered among the people of the church of Christ" important?
It provides spiritual support, accountability, and a community of believers