
Dill goes to this person’s house every summer.

What is Miss Rachel?


The theme that the whole community represents

What is southern values?


The cause to why Jem ruined Mrs. Dubose's flowers 

What is the ugly/racist things she said about Atticus? 


“Easy does it, son,” Atticus would say. “She’s an old lady and she’s ill. You just hold your head high and be a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it’s your job not to let her make you mad.” This quote is said about what person. 

What is Mrs. Dubose?


The reason why Miss Caroline tries and give Walter some money, and the reason doesn’t he take it

What is, his family is proud and doesn’t take anything they can give back?


The role Calpurnia plays in Scouts life 

What is mother figure? 


The theme that was portrayed when Atticus told Scout to stop fighting at school

What is courage and growing up? 


That cause that made Atticus shoot a dog

What is the “mad” dog (which had rabies)?


“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don’t eat up people's gardens, don’t nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts our for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” The lesson the kids are getting from Miss Maudie.

What is teaching the kids that it is not right to harm things that are not harmful, or innocent.


The one that bought Jem and Scout the airsoft rifles for Christmas

What is Uncle Jack? 


Miss Maudie’s love for nature represents this about her character

What is, her love for nature is an example of her compassion and kindness?


The change of Scout’s perception of Boo Radley from the beginning to the end is an example a theme

What is growing up?


The action Calpurnia had an issue with when Walter Cunningham came over for dinner?

What is the way that Scout treated Walter?


After Walter Cunningham Jr refuses money from Miss Caroline, Scout tries to explain it to her by stating, “Miss Caroline, he’s a Cunningham.” This shows what about the towns people

What is, it shows how everyone knows each other, and the characteristics shown by the families in Maycomb county are hereditary?


The first thing that Jem, Scout and Dill started talking about and became friends over

What is their favorite drama which they later reenact?


Scout and Jem’s experience with Mrs. Dubose taught them this about courage and bravery

What is that bravery can come in many different forms?


When Aunt Alexandra tries to change Scout’s ways she is proving a theme

What is prejudice?


The name Mr. Tate call Atticus after he shot the dog

What is "One-Shot Finch"? 


“…before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself.” This quote was said by

What is Atticus?


The object Jem uses to destroy Mrs Dubose’s flowers with

What is Scout's baton that Jem had just bought her?


Throughout the story, Dill often says silly little lies about his home life back in Meridian. This means what about his home life

What is, he is neglected and treated as an afterthought?


“He dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that’s why his hands were always blood stained - if you ate a raw animal you could never wash the blood off.” When the kids are talking about Boo Radley,  two journal themes are portrayed

What is gossip and prejudice?


The place and person Scout first heard the case about Tom Robinson

What is school and Cecil Jacobs?


“I maintain that the Ewells started it all, but Jem, who was four years my senior, said it started long before that.” This quote connects to the Tom Robinson case

What is foreshadowing?


From Miss Maudie's definition, a “Foot-Washing Baptist?” was 

What is they believe anything that is a pleasure is a sin?